Re: plain text math notation

On 22/09/2016 14:51 , Jos de Jong wrote:
> @Robin can you elaborate a bit on your idea? Do you mean that it would
> be trivial to translate a math formula into plain JavaScript which then
> can be evaluated, or to SVG for rendering? Or both?... Do you have
> concrete use cases in mind?

The way JSX works is that you can use markup in your code, like this:

  let foo = <button>ohai!</button>;

That's pretty simple to type out, but obviously to make it useful what
you get out of it is not a string but a data structure. You can then
proceed to manipulating that data structure, injecting it into a DOM,
rendering it to string, etc. You can also embed code, variable, etc,
inside of it, say:

  function listPeople (people = [], listType) {
    return (
      <ul className={listType}>
 => <li>{}</li>)

To be clear, I am not suggesting that this should be a major constraint
on the design. But I think it's worth keeping in mind the ability to
have the syntax as something that could be used as a plugin in a
JavaScript transpiler (this is not a very strong constraint, basically
it mostly needs to be disambiguatable from the surrounding context).

What gets returned could be manipulated (eg. you could feed it into a
library to execute it) or it could be rendered.

It's just a thought :)

• Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon
• — intelligent science publishing

Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 15:03:55 UTC