2016/10/27 follow ups: question on mathml

Hi everyone,

At the last call, Jean raised the question in how far people on the CG are
interested in becoming active regarding MathML. As I said on the call,
"historically" MathML was off-topic for the CG since the CG started when
the Math WG was still running.

As promised, Dani and I reached out to Ivan Herman (W3C).

Ivan's response (with permission) was:

> This is what the Math WG home page says today:
> [[[
> The Working Group is currently closed. It will re-open
> when a new revision of MathML is needed or another standard
 > related to mathematics on the Web. In the mean time, please,
> use the<www-math@w3.org> mailing list (see Joining >
> the discussion) to report errors and suggestions for
> improvements (or contact the W3C team).
> ]]]
> That is all. If this community group wants to work on the
> improvement of MathML, I do not think that would be a
> problem, and if there are very specific features that should
> be added to the the spec, then, well, the quote above points
> at the right place.

So if people want to get together for a specialized meeting, feel free to
set one up.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 11:47:21 UTC