- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:51:10 -0800
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkBMD74YUEj74GEFPyDhKDOXO+O52mfLaSVoiues-Fu_rw@mail.gmail.com>
Attendees: Neil Soiffer Bruce Miller David Carlisle Deyan Ginev David Farmer Sam Dooley Murray Sargent Charles LaPierre Louis Maher Laurence Zaysser Patrick Ion Steve Noble The meeting was recorded: https://us02https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Y_XfeY7gHcVqYwmDQuBC.cA1rvKQs4Fd7ppI7 <https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Y_XfeY7gHcVvGRWatGtVkQHBKX2_FeAFFp0YSnUuyJ97UQTGjbWwgITqYwmDQuBC.cA1rvKQs4Fd7ppI7> Passcode: 3QKJV*4m Thanks to Louis for taking notes. Agenda: 1. Any followup to Neil's presentation on AT needs https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml/docs/a11y-needs.html NS: It will be until mid March before the charter will be approved. Must change delivery dates in the charter. We re-introduced ourselves to Laurence. BM: Was surprised that AT does not use Intent. DG: What do you do when you can’t figure out what is going on? You can’t list all the math notations. DG has a catalog of almost all the math symbols. BM: What is the minimal amount that you need to deal with accessibility? 2. Deyan's latest demo showing how level 3 math can be spoken (doing screen share) DG: Listing all math symbols is a large task. It involves thousands of symbols. DG: We need a mechanism for AT to use symbols not on the list. DG: Looked at wikipedia examples to find unusual math examples that are difficult to speak. DG: Has a method for users to add their symbols to the symbol catalog. DG: His demo used a generic speech engine. It was not specialized for mathematics. NS: There are about 30 entries with speech. Is this because you haven’t gathered speech for all 1000 entries or because only 30 seem to have specialized speech. DG: The former. DG: The authors are not required to develop code to speak their new notation. DG: The authors can enter speech hints. LM: Do users provide their own speech? DG: Interesting idea. It could go either way. Depends on what the system implements. DF: Sometimes you must say begin quantity and end quantity for an accurate description. BM: Vendors might want to supply their own proprietary symbol lists. NS: There should not be much lag in this system. More than 0.2 seconds delay would be bad. BM: What kind of status would the spreadsheet have? NS: It’s for us to decide. I don’t think it should be required that AT uses it. Maybe it is a note with a recommendation that it be consulted. BM: Need to worry about it being hacked DG: We could restrict authoring access. NS: Vendors might want to download and vet and distribute with their product if they don’t trust the spreadsheet. ??: Might be faster access if it is local. 3. Plans and deadlines for the year NS: We have many deliverables including MathML specification 4 and test cases. NS: How do we add tests for the accessibility features. They involve both authoring and reading. NS Here’s the timeline we have in the charter: Timeline These dates are not meant as deadlines; work may need to continue after these dates to ensure the quality of the deliverables. - February 2021: First teleconference - October 2021: First (virtual?) face-to-face meeting (TPAC) - March 2021: FPWD, MathML Core Level 1 - June 2021: FPWD, MathML 4 - November 2021: MathML Core Test Suites - November 2021: Implementation Report - November 2021: Candidate Recommendation, MathML Core Level 1 - January 2022: Sample code that adds annotations making defaults explicit - February 2022: Code that converts Content MathML to annotated Presentation MathML - March 2022: FPWD, MathML Core Level 2 - May 2022: Sample code that uses annotated Presentation MathML to create Speech and/or Content MathML - June 2022: Prototype TeX-to-annotated MathML implementation - October 2022: Living catalog established for extended Presentation annotations - November 2022: Candidate Recommendation, MathML 4 NS: We need to get started on creating a MathML 4 spec that aligns with core. Volunteers? DC: Offered to update MathML 4. NS: I plan to make use of the ‘intent’ in my MathPlayer rewrite. DG: We are ahead of schedule on the prototype TeX-to-annotated MathML implementation DG and BM: will talk in a couple of weeks on their LatexML system that can generate ‘intent’ values
Received on Friday, 29 January 2021 00:51:36 UTC