Minutes: MathML Intent meeting 11 Feb


Neil Soiffer

Bruce Miller

David Carlisle

Deyan Ginev

David Farmer

Sam Dooley

Murray Sargent

Louis Maher

Laurence Zaysser
Steve Noble

The meeting was recorded:



Passcode: 0PXnR.g3

Thanks to Louis for taking notes.


1. Announcements/updates

NS: No news about the W3C charter.

2. Bruce Miller will discuss how LaTeXML passes through author information
into MathML

BM: Discussed the DLMF (digital library mathematical functions).


Core principles use the best grammar available.

Make the choices natural.

Give the author the greatest help possible.

Require as little as possible from the author.

NS: Can we tag just part of the expression and that is good enough to make
it understandable?

BM: Some expressions are too verbose for macros to translate.

3. Continue discussion: what's the intent of 'intent'...

LZ: Have we discussed localization issues?

NS: Yes.

NS: Discussed some translation issues.

NS: A over B in some languages is spoken as B under A.

DG: Will discuss the level one document next week.

Received on Friday, 12 February 2021 20:37:50 UTC