Minutes: MathML meeting 1 April


David Carlisle

David Farmer

Patrick Ion

Paul Libbrecht

Louis Maher

Murray Sargent

Neil Soiffer

Laurence Zaysser

Moritz Schulbot

Deyan Ginev

Bruce Miller

Steve Noble

Regrets: Sam Dooley

Thanks to Louis for once again taking notes.


1.  Announcements/updates

NS: Should we have a Working Group (WG) and a Community Group (CG) for our
MathML work?

NS: prefers to have the WG only.

NS: Perhaps have a CG open meeting every month for the public to join.

NS: For the WG, can we bring in former experts.  Neil was told occasionally
this could happen.

NS: listed the people who will be representatives of organizations for the
MathML work.

BM: will see if people need to be U.S. citizens to be appointed to be a W3C
representative of a U.S. government organization.

NS: We will try to get a couple of CG members to be invited as invited
experts.  The W3C is making this process more difficult.

DC: It will be hard to have a CG meet regularly along with the working

BM: We may have to have CG meetings if we could not get enough people in
the WG.

NS: Google will attend WG meetings from time to time.

2. As per a request last time: MathML 3 Copy/Paste review

a) Murray will discuss the spec as it applies to Windows

MS: Can copy MathML to the clipboard and paste it into Word, PowerPoint,
OneNote and other Microsoft programs. Some sources have provided MathML as
plain text for years. Word has had this option since Word 2007. By
examining the start of the plain text, a program can recognize MathML and
route it to the MathML reader rather than displaying it as plain text. To
bypass this feature and display the MathML as plain text, one inserts
something in front of the <math> element. That something can be deleted
after the paste if desired.

MS: Demo copying MathML for the Gamma function from the Digital Library of
Mathematical Functions and pasting into PowerPoint. From the DLMF web page,
select Original MathML


switch to PowerPoint and type Ctrl+v to paste

The DLMF MathML for this function is

<math class="ltx_Math" altimg="E1.png" altimg-height="53px"
altimg-valign="-20px" altimg-width="203px"
display="block"><mrow><mrow><mrow><mi href="./5.2#E1" mathvariant="normal"
title="gamma function">Γ</mi><mo>⁡</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo>

<mi href="./5.1#p2.t1.r4" title="complex

<mo>=</mo><mrow><msubsup><mo href="./1.4#iv" largeop="true"
symmetric="true" title="integral">∫</mo><mn>0</mn><mi

<mrow><msup><mi href="./4.2#E11" mathvariant="normal" title="base of
natural logarithm">e</mi><mrow><mo>-</mo><mi>t</mi></mrow></msup><mo>⁢</mo>

<msup><mi>t</mi><mrow><mi href="./5.1#p2.t1.r4" title="complex

<mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></msup><mo>⁢</mo><mrow><mo href="./1.4#iv"
rspace="0pt" title="differential of


MS: Same approach works with RichEdit editor.

MS: showed math clipboard formats provided by RichEdit, OneNote,
PowerPoint, and Word along with the MathML and HTML for 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐². The
results are in Clipboard Formats.docx

MS: For a comparison of MathML with OMML, see the second table in

MS: Word produces HTML with a great amount of seemingly irrelevant data. An
option to provide cleaner HTML has been requested.

MS: MathML support started in Office 2007. “Official Windows MathML
clipboard formats are “MathML” and “MathML Presentation”, but clipboard
plain text is often used.

MS: To get the clipboard format ID for “MathML”, call the Windows function
UINT RegisterClipboardFormatW(L"MathML"). If “MathML” hasn’t yet been
defined, this function returns a new unique ID. If it has been defined, it
returns the same ID. This allows definition of myriad clipboard formats.

b) Paul will discuss how it works on MacOS (and iOS?)

c) Unix anyone?

d) What changes, if any should be made?

 To be discussed next week...


Received on Friday, 9 April 2021 06:14:33 UTC