Minutes: MathML semantics meeting, 17 Sept, 2020

The meeting was recorded:
Passcode: 21U!IHUu (meeting starts about 7:30 in).

Thanks to Patrick for taking minutes this week.


Neil Soiffer

Deyan Ginev

Louis Maher

Bruce Miller

Sam Dooley

David Farmer

Patrick Ion

David Carlise

Steve Noble

Murray Sargent

1. Semantics names -- continue discussion with Deyan's google doc
as a framework   a) More discussion on the meaning/purpose of the various

Many but not all had read DG’s document

DG: I wanted to have 2 pages, but it’s needed to explain.  I think we have
a baseline starting point, i.e. pMML and its tree.  We’re not doing
algebra, but the presentation tree is almost understandable anyway; so what
to add as annotation is ‘fuzzy’,.  I start with 3 aspects of meaning …

[screen shared doc at this point: explanation not transcribed]

NS: Is this under the semantics attribute of before or a new one?

DG: this is notationally under a different attribute from the previously

Semantic one; that’s because it addresses different matters.


NS: are you imagining that receiving software can work with this extra
‘metadata’ and

do things for display; it’s not just for Search then

DG: yes, e.g the Coulomb example

BM: if you know ‘m’ is a unit but not which one then you perhaps could mark
more up;

If it’s a TeX macro package you might not know which supported unit it is.

NS: it’s not something you want to read out

DF: you could make a TeX macro that typesets units correctly in Rpoman but
doesn’t tell you any more.  SO Bruce has a point.

DG: the Narrative structure part, where arguments are distinguished isn’t
much discussed.

The Second part concerns Concrete vs. Subject annotations;  This
corresponds to earlier discussion and I added examples

DG: Hydrogen etc.

PI: Translation

MS: just convert a standard English into a token and then have a phrase
book, we do that already well

NS: a problem is there’s no notion of the language we’re in.

DF: if we know its an element and is given as ‘H’; then it’s clear its
hydrogen; it is not the author’s choice it’s the readers

DG: These are all keys that can be worked on in the receiving displayer

MS: ther;’s the conception of verbosity and its appropriate level in screen

NS: screen readers change pitch for caps; the chemist want it it say ‘cap

: isn’t that wrong; it shouldn’t be in the content itself

NS: if you throw in the word Sodium then you wanted that

BM: Sodium might provoke for chemist just ‘Na’


DG: I’m suggesting annotations; it’s a different question as to what gets
spoken or quieted.

BM: if you put Hydrogen then that’s what gets said probably

SN: is it possible to have a ‘chem’ tag like the natural language tags that
switch language?

NS;  there’s special chem notation pronounced in easy not suitable for math

LM: a screen reader allows setting ‘cap’ or pitch change for capitals;
aMathMl shouldn’t

be messing with that

NS: chem group will have to decide what ought to be read

BM: we’re making an annotation token and how it’s read is not our issue

NS: in a textbook the level of pedantry varies with amount of exposition;

Maybe if you want to force a reading you should use aria-label


DG: There are 3 pieces: authoring software;  rendering software;
accessibility software

We need to pass suitable information through so later stages can do what’s

BM: as soon as you leave saying specifically what you mean you’re limiting
the user agent in customizing for a specific reader

SN” like using an ‘alt’ text

DG: Finishing off the document. An inner product with a dot or angular
brackets; you annotate differently depending on what you wish.  The doc
suggests adding the name of the operation.

Subject annotations are a parallel mechanism, but one which can save a lot
of markup.  You then have level list of subject areas (note subtlety:
chemistry vs. chemistry formula vs. chemical formulas)

NS: e.g. brackets mean concentration in chem equations

DG;  Pros and Cons in summary …..

NS; Thank you very much for getting a lot of stuff down we have discussed.
Very useful.

SD: a lot to absorb

NS: that subject notions seem to bring up things that might have to be
done; …

Mostly we have to hope the software that generates this will get it right;
maybe over the years

ZDF: I don’t object or disagree, but I’d like to see how examples are
marked up; i now have idea about how authors will do markup

Zns; I’d say subject is useful because it allows authors to do a lot less

DF: I think of books; knowing its linear algebra helps a lot for a whole
books worth; I’d look for examples of how much more an author might be
having to do; e.g. (a,b) for pair, innner product, interval etc.

NS; given TeX examples I could generate the markup needed easily enough (in
draft form)

BM: what exactly goes into MML is question; mini-semantics

NS: subject on math elt; you don’t have access to the document

BM: concrete and subject area is refactoring some software into at least
two layers; pattern matching rules for pronunciation leading to rendering
ina verbalization; if you have full concrete annotation you don’t need
pattern matching, which you do for subject annotation that requires you to
group your rules into modules

MS: as a tool to test out the ideas I was thinking of a case where the
concrete annot is not mentioned and that gets filled in as
specified;subject areas could change defaults; concrete markup overrides
local defaults from subject

Apple screen readers knows little; just about squares and cubes; much more
needs doing

I’d hope we can provide clues to be used to do much better everywhere,

BM; Subject to concrete conversion offline, and then author checking and
tweaking for concrete overrides would be a simple way

DG: if you have a module system in a programming language you can …. Then
compilation to bytecodes

It would be great for the authoring language …

Then the complexity is sorted out at the authoring stage; therenderng from
a concrete syntax would be easier

NS: but most math won’t be well tagged for a long time; you have to work
with this

There’s a lot for legacy MML out there and legacy tools to change as well

BM: the conversion I mentioned could well be offline

PI: It worries me that it is unclear what goes into a MathML spec. We
should say how to provide clues for how they go into MathML.

[PI: Sorry my system just completely collapsed on me as I was expressing my

about the amount of work actually needed doing to demo and support a spec
which provides

the suggested sorts of meaning annotations.  I really find attractive the
idea of subject contexts

and making authoring easy enough.  The practice of that is going to
require  a lot of work and

a cleverness in specifying ways that people can develop and distribute
subject profiles in

accordance with a MathML spec.]

Received on Sunday, 20 September 2020 22:43:36 UTC