- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 15:43:19 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkAmDHCdbasX8my13p_oibysMxU-n8VjdRK6bxNn0O3FoQ@mail.gmail.com>
The meeting was recorded: https://benetech.zoom.us/rec/share/5pQI6CGkJoagm5PJ0QIy5GICQan-3bLadV7WH5r9RVmi9OPr4qcIBgvgswLXn2b5.rAXycNIEv_0yhFAH Passcode: 21U!IHUu (meeting starts about 7:30 in). Thanks to Patrick for taking minutes this week. Attendees: Neil Soiffer Deyan Ginev Louis Maher Bruce Miller Sam Dooley David Farmer Patrick Ion David Carlise Steve Noble Murray Sargent 1. Semantics names -- continue discussion with Deyan's google doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DwNZkFDfI7uZclOeCDcOWVeWv87WjAII-MgE2rTmwfs/edit> as a framework a) More discussion on the meaning/purpose of the various levels Many but not all had read DG’s document DG: I wanted to have 2 pages, but it’s needed to explain. I think we have a baseline starting point, i.e. pMML and its tree. We’re not doing algebra, but the presentation tree is almost understandable anyway; so what to add as annotation is ‘fuzzy’,. I start with 3 aspects of meaning … [screen shared doc at this point: explanation not transcribed] NS: Is this under the semantics attribute of before or a new one? DG: this is notationally under a different attribute from the previously considered Semantic one; that’s because it addresses different matters. <<< NS: are you imagining that receiving software can work with this extra ‘metadata’ and do things for display; it’s not just for Search then DG: yes, e.g the Coulomb example BM: if you know ‘m’ is a unit but not which one then you perhaps could mark more up; If it’s a TeX macro package you might not know which supported unit it is. NS: it’s not something you want to read out DF: you could make a TeX macro that typesets units correctly in Rpoman but doesn’t tell you any more. SO Bruce has a point. DG: the Narrative structure part, where arguments are distinguished isn’t much discussed. The Second part concerns Concrete vs. Subject annotations; This corresponds to earlier discussion and I added examples DG: Hydrogen etc. PI: Translation MS: just convert a standard English into a token and then have a phrase book, we do that already well NS: a problem is there’s no notion of the language we’re in. DF: if we know its an element and is given as ‘H’; then it’s clear its hydrogen; it is not the author’s choice it’s the readers DG: These are all keys that can be worked on in the receiving displayer MS: ther;’s the conception of verbosity and its appropriate level in screen reading NS: screen readers change pitch for caps; the chemist want it it say ‘cap : isn’t that wrong; it shouldn’t be in the content itself NS: if you throw in the word Sodium then you wanted that BM: Sodium might provoke for chemist just ‘Na’ <<< DG: I’m suggesting annotations; it’s a different question as to what gets spoken or quieted. BM: if you put Hydrogen then that’s what gets said probably SN: is it possible to have a ‘chem’ tag like the natural language tags that switch language? NS; there’s special chem notation pronounced in easy not suitable for math LM: a screen reader allows setting ‘cap’ or pitch change for capitals; aMathMl shouldn’t be messing with that NS: chem group will have to decide what ought to be read BM: we’re making an annotation token and how it’s read is not our issue NS: in a textbook the level of pedantry varies with amount of exposition; Maybe if you want to force a reading you should use aria-label MS; DG: There are 3 pieces: authoring software; rendering software; accessibility software We need to pass suitable information through so later stages can do what’s needed. BM: as soon as you leave saying specifically what you mean you’re limiting the user agent in customizing for a specific reader SN” like using an ‘alt’ text DG: Finishing off the document. An inner product with a dot or angular brackets; you annotate differently depending on what you wish. The doc suggests adding the name of the operation. Subject annotations are a parallel mechanism, but one which can save a lot of markup. You then have level list of subject areas (note subtlety: chemistry vs. chemistry formula vs. chemical formulas) NS: e.g. brackets mean concentration in chem equations DG; Pros and Cons in summary ….. NS; Thank you very much for getting a lot of stuff down we have discussed. Very useful. SD: a lot to absorb NS: that subject notions seem to bring up things that might have to be done; … Mostly we have to hope the software that generates this will get it right; maybe over the years ZDF: I don’t object or disagree, but I’d like to see how examples are marked up; i now have idea about how authors will do markup Zns; I’d say subject is useful because it allows authors to do a lot less work DF: I think of books; knowing its linear algebra helps a lot for a whole books worth; I’d look for examples of how much more an author might be having to do; e.g. (a,b) for pair, innner product, interval etc. NS; given TeX examples I could generate the markup needed easily enough (in draft form) BM: what exactly goes into MML is question; mini-semantics NS: subject on math elt; you don’t have access to the document BM: concrete and subject area is refactoring some software into at least two layers; pattern matching rules for pronunciation leading to rendering ina verbalization; if you have full concrete annotation you don’t need pattern matching, which you do for subject annotation that requires you to group your rules into modules MS: as a tool to test out the ideas I was thinking of a case where the concrete annot is not mentioned and that gets filled in as specified;subject areas could change defaults; concrete markup overrides local defaults from subject Apple screen readers knows little; just about squares and cubes; much more needs doing I’d hope we can provide clues to be used to do much better everywhere, BM; Subject to concrete conversion offline, and then author checking and tweaking for concrete overrides would be a simple way DG: if you have a module system in a programming language you can …. Then compilation to bytecodes It would be great for the authoring language … Then the complexity is sorted out at the authoring stage; therenderng from a concrete syntax would be easier NS: but most math won’t be well tagged for a long time; you have to work with this There’s a lot for legacy MML out there and legacy tools to change as well BM: the conversion I mentioned could well be offline PI: It worries me that it is unclear what goes into a MathML spec. We should say how to provide clues for how they go into MathML. [PI: Sorry my system just completely collapsed on me as I was expressing my compunctions about the amount of work actually needed doing to demo and support a spec which provides the suggested sorts of meaning annotations. I really find attractive the idea of subject contexts and making authoring easy enough. The practice of that is going to require a lot of work and a cleverness in specifying ways that people can develop and distribute subject profiles in accordance with a MathML spec.]
Received on Sunday, 20 September 2020 22:43:36 UTC