Minutes: MathML Core meeting 9 Nov, 2020



   Neil Soiffer

   Brian Kardell

   Louis Maher

   Murray Sargent

   Bruce Miller

   Patrick Ion

   Murray Sargent

   Matthew Scroggins

   David Carlisle

Regrets:  David Carlisle(partial), Fred Wang

Thanks again to Louis Maher for taking notes.


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Status Update



NS: PI got his revisions into the charter.

NS: charter will be submitted in a day or so.



[Neil shares screen with Chrome nightly build]

NS: Subscripts are not positioned perfectly. Stretchy chars haven’t been
implemented yet -- that’s probably the biggest thing outstanding. Script
placement on large ops was the most recent commit and they look good now.
Matrices have not yet been done.



NS: I’ve written most of the polyfills. Some don’t display well yet in
Chrome because of missing implementation. Tables do not work.  Long
division does not work. Linebreaking and elementary math, which are the two
big ones, look good in Firefox and Safari.

NS: Working on menclose and arrows. Even added “optional” arrows.  There
are some issues where the arrow’s start/end position is off by a few pixels
which can be seen when you magnify the expressions.

The remaining 'needs resolution' issues:


   Applying visual effects #179


   automatic size adjustment: #225


   U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS in mo operators: #146
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/146> => write a


   Add scriptsizemultiplier to core #230
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/230>/ #1
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/1>Updates: NS is tasked
   with this and it’s a future.

NS: is supposed to write a note on this concerning accessibility.


   Include mo@accent attribute into MathML Core? #210
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/210>Updates:  FW has
   feedback to come


   Review global attributes of HTML and SVG for parity #207

NS: BK has commented on this in github. He asked me to talk due to a
jackhammer going off outside his window…  It is in good shape.

There is a list that we do not support. SVG does not support it either.

NS: SVG and MathML have a special situation of their own namespaces within

BK: There is an html element we must change if changes are to be made.


   Simplification of the mstyle element #1


   (new) Add a new method to MathMLElement interface #231

NS: Writing the polyfills needed some hacks.  MathML has a baseline.  Need
height and depth relative to baseline for a number of things in polyfills,
but it is hard to get at.. MathML should allow you to query the height and

Wants the width also.

BK: Should be an issue for the CSS working group. Computer styles are part
of CSS and not just good for math.

NS: Seems like others might want to be able to know the baseline for plain
text. Asks if it has been brought up before.

BK: Don’t know.

NS: Will search CSS files to look for this issue.

NS: Consider pausing the core meetings until next year when we become a
working group.

PI: let’s meet once a month

NS: That means meet in Dec. Next meeting will be Dec 14.

NS: Once we become a working group, people either need to be part of a
member company or be an invited expert. If you are part of a member org,
then you need to talk to your W3C rep to be appointed to the WG. If you
aren’t, then there are some hoops to jump through to become an invited

BK: W3C has problems with invited expert from companies because the
companies could withdrawal from the W3C.

BK: Hopes to get Google and Apple to join once we are a working group.

NS: Chartering takes at least 28 days.

BK: There will be a mail sent to the advisory committee with the charter.
There will be a form asking if you will support the charter, perhaps with

NS: I think everyone will be supportive of core

NS: The accessibility extensions should be popular among the accessibility

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 05:26:42 UTC