No MathML core meeting on Monday

The US moved to daylight savings time on Sunday and Europe didn't -- Europe
changes in three weeks (29 March). Since Great Britain is still following
EU rules, they too change on the 29th... at least this year :-)

I forgot to discuss the time change at the last meeting. Europeans either
need to be an hour earlier or Americans (at least Canadians and those in
the states) need to be an hour later. So that would either be:

   - 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern,* 6pm Greenwich, 7pm Central European* or
   - * noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern,* 7pm Greenwich, 8pm Central European time.

Because we didn't resolve this and because not much got done addressing
issues, I'm making the executive decision to call off the Monday meeting. I
have created a doodle poll <> to
pick the time for the next two meetings. Hopefully doodle corrects for the
time change in the US when when viewing in Europe... Please indicate your
availability by Wednesday at the latest -- preferably do it now.

Received on Monday, 9 March 2020 06:57:08 UTC