Re: Reminder: xpath

On 26/06/2020 00:47, Neil Soiffer wrote:
> Could you send to the group the xpath that replaces "@arg1" in the 
> first 'notation' in:
> <mrow notation="binomial(@arg1, @arg1)">
>   <mo>(</mo>
>   <mfrac thickness="0pt">
>     <msup notation="power(@arg1,@arg2)" arg='arg1'>
>       <mi arg="arg1">n</mi>
>       <mn arg="arg2">2</mn>
>     </msup>
>     <mi arg="arg2">m</mi>
>   </mfrac>
>   <mo>)</mo>
> </mrow>
> basically find [arg='arg1'] but stopping when an 'arg' attr or 
> 'notation' attr has been found.
> Thanks,
>     Neil

various ways for example

.//@arg[.='arg1']  except .//*[@notation]/*//@arg

It would need to be a bit longer with error checking (eg if there were 
no arg1 or more than 1 at the top level)  but I think we can assume 
valid input in this context)



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Received on Friday, 26 June 2020 14:58:45 UTC