- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 12:09:00 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkDNQhx5zBdHhoWryBHWDhbEB1QaEknc-Bgc7Sr4WoL24A@mail.gmail.com>
The meeting recording failed this week. Big thanks to David Carlisle for the minutes this week! Attendees: Neil Soiffer David Carlisle Sam Dooley David Farmer Bruce Miller Patrick Ion Louis Maher Akashdeep Bansal Deyan Ginev Steve Noble Murray Sargent Accessibility Primer <https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml/docs/accessibility> https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml/docs/accessibility NS: Accessibility tree in DOM MathML appears in that tree, but no spec to define that it should be. W3C has WG looking at this. Some attributes in MathML are transferred to AT and some are not (with no clear logic to which are dropped). The primer is meant to inform people in that group of the differences between math and text, and hence why math needs different treatment. MS: covering a lot of areas even Chemistry at the end NS: There are working groups looking at Chemistry so wanted to keep that prominent PI: It will need more examples, It isn’t just chemistry that has math-like layout math formulas, that appears in many technology areas. SD: aim is to concentrate on answering the question “why is math accessibility different to text accessibility” to an audience familiar with the latter. NS: didn’t want to make it too long. MS: I don’t think it’s too long, should probably define acronyms such as AT since it aims to be a primer. BM: if original target was explaining math to people familiar with AT, it also useful for people with people familiar with math but less familiar AT DF: could have chemistry example nearer the beginning DF: seem more repeatedly say why you are not using content mathml. DC: it’s not the content mathml that is verbose, it is the parallel markup Abstracting markup patterns <https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml/docs/layout-semantics> https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml/docs/layout-semantics BM: evolved so that the notation has become a mechanism to specify where the implied operator and its arguments are in the presentation. So a mapping from presentation to something “content like” if not exactly content mathml. BM: the meaning attribute separate, see long list of examples BM: “Bad and Ugly” section highlights the tricky examples where some design help is needed to produce reasonable markup.. Eg cases with multiple scripts, presentation mathml ofen nested according to visual layout unrelated to semantics, (x bar) sub i but semantically the bar operator over (x sub i). NS: one good thing about recent revision is that notation is now described as pointing at the operator, and meaning may be in different places, depending on the notation, this solves one issue we had with mathrole, where it was often not clear where to add the attribute. PI: Separating layout schema from the semantic meaning remains a good thing, and provides flexibility that Neil has pointed out. NS: might need a special notation where you call out that the nesting is different SD: some hope with careful authoring that the semantic of (say) an overbar is implied by the markup used, and you do not need to reference external definitions NS: need good markup (esp mrow structure) we may need to define canonical mathml, perhaps a library or at least spec for how well structured mathml should be constructed. BM: Tried to be as forgiving as possible but sometimes you really need the mrow. MS: missing an example for n-ary expressions. Mrow with first child msubsup BM: if you look at the examples, the cases where notation= is on the mrow the mrow is really needed, even if it could be dropped without affecting the layout PI: there are examples where operator is in subscript rather than superscript, so may need notation schema for sub and super in all combinations NS: could combine sub operator and sup operator into a script operator BM: DG had also suggested these could be combined but complications with msubsup DG: in content mathml always <apply> op …, so even a generic pointer to the operator would go a long way, you don’t need to distinguish sub and super scripts or other layout. SD: we have tried to go down the path of enumerating layout schemata before, and anyone making tools from content to presentation alway sleeves some cases unhandled. Are we trying to over-specify the possible notations. DG: If we want to simplify mathml we shouldn’t specify too much but leave it open to users arxiv almost every paper defines new notation. A simple generic pointer to the main operator already gets a long way. Just need to specify (perhaps via id) the operator and its arguments, do not need to restrict/enumerate the possible layouts NS: are you proposing a notation lambda function. Could avoid problems with global ids by having something like arg=1,2,3,4 to mark the arguments of the specified operator. NS: are we having simple defaults eg just for msup, or more fine tuned defaults eg ^T defaulting to transpose. BM: not sure it needs to be a new attribute, but what is the mechanism to specify the argument, but how do we point to the children, xpath, ids, ..? NS: what direction to work on for next meetings? I like the idea of generic arguments MS: I’d like to see more defaults as K1-12 doesn’t need much of this, and would like to see something for n-ary SD: can we rename the meaning attribute (to something) [PI: I suggest doubling the ‘m’ to ‘mmeaning’ (math meaning, of course)] NS: Could you (BM, DC, DG, ..) add something on naming the arguments to the existing document? BM: It could be added, but need to decide what the mechanism for pointing is, we can then describe the named notations as shorthand for the generic ones BM: Will get together with DG and make a suggestion or list of alternatives for the general layout possibility (name or xpath or …) PI: It is exactly the subject of the last sentence of your current draft. DC: I’ll try to write up some examples where the arguments are labelled so you don’t have to have some language like xpath to find them. Meeting next week at same time.
Received on Friday, 19 June 2020 19:09:24 UTC