- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 10:43:47 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkAvNc7+SwbNdfAXd8RLvX=w8aL-5=iozp23sVUeQYdkGg@mail.gmail.com>
Attendees: - David Carisle - Neil Soiffer - Brian Kardell - Murray Sargent - Rob Buis - Bruce Miller - Louis Maher - Patrick Ion Agenda: https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/8#issuecomment-637641350 The meeting was recorded: https://benetech.zoom.us/rec/share/3ct3ForeyUlLH7P_zF7Wfvc4IYjnaaa81HUY8vEEz0coOv2ZEXyJdB2XD76KVp_f Password: 8L.4=9P& Interpretation of new display: math/inline-math and compatibility with block/inline ( #214 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/214>) FW: These are mapped using UA rules. BK: Will something break. Will people have set it in CSS and nothing happened. Now it will do something. Can’t break things. DC: there is no native cross browser compatibility for MathML, no spec, so can’t really be breaking anything. BK: we should at least see if it is being used NS: how? BK: I think that only through instrumentation in the browser itself because you would need to run the style/cascade to know what it was applying to or if it was relevant… We have a decent case that it doesn’t matter because there was no interop. DC current firefox behaviour: FW: all children (such as fracs) are mapped to display:math. How should we interpret it as display:in-math. Currently we just map to ‘math’. BK: the only way to get metrics to add something to Firefox to collect metrics, but no one will want to do it. I would propose that we just are careful to express what should happen on all of these and make the case that it doesn't matter lacking current interop Resolved: we discussed and felt that this shouldn’t be a problem because there is existing incompatibility now. href Implemented in WebKit/Gecko and we have a patch for Chromium. However, there are many security questions as well as other issues related to tabindex or shadow DOM. So we are likely not going to upstream the patch for now. => Proposal: Put it "at risk" => Brian's notes: I think we need this, it seems to make sense to keep for v1 even if it might take some time to achieve parity on this though and can be 'mostly' polyfilled (like actually polyfilled I think) for practical purposes. It definitely would appear to stand in the way of moving some things in v2 forward to me, so just logically it feels like it belongs here. From last meeting: BK needs to resolve the default tabindex issue with Apple folks. The shadow DOM can’t have elements with href, so something to keep in mind especially wrt mrow. BK: Apple person is one leave. Need to see if someone else can explain it. BK: BM and FW think mrow should allow shadow DOM on mrow. DC: Saying that MathML can’t have linking is a big step backwards as MathML should be part of the web. BK: It’s not a matter of “never”. It’s what we do now. You could do a polyfill with an onclick handler NS: Generally accessibility is hard and you should use native semantics; people mess up accessibility when done by hand BK: <a> would solve this NS: for consistency should we use <ma> or make use of <maction> DC: <maction> is ugly because children are required for the link BM: what elements can have a link BK: can’t be all elements. Maybe the current solution is because we were exhausted from this. FW: maybe only maction should be only one to allow shadow DOM because it was supposed to be extended. FW: if we have a separate <ma>, … BK: <ma> would be easier to get in DC: so we would have to wrap <ma> around any element? BK: yes. BM: isn’t there a compatibility issue? Existing markup won’t work NS: there would be a polyfill DC: anything not in core has this problem BM: this is a big change for what I generate BK: the security concerns are real for the browser community, so it is a bigger ask. Definitely can’t have shadow DOM on a linkable element. PI: there are 23 link types. Do we need to support all the link types? BK: it needs to be like other links PI: so we need to read the WHATWG’s spec and be careful if we want to change NS: the simple thing is to do the same as what the spec says DC: I suspect that being told every other meeting that this is risky to ask for, maybe we have to bow to what Igalia is willing to do/can get done. It’s a breaking change, so it is real. BK: options are we pursue nothing, we pursue what we said, or we can pursue <ma>. BM: is there a level 1 / 2 issue BK: yes, we could do that. The more we do, the more we paint ourselves into a corner. BM: I’d be okay with it being only supported in Firefox NS: but then everyone would use a polyfill BM: I think people will choose to use the browser with better support BK: <summary> is an example of supported in some browsers but not others; data says everyone uses a polyfill. Resolution: BK to bring to TAG the <ma> vs limited number of hrefs (compatibility issue). Resolution: Discuss this further on Issue 125 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/125> and see if we can resolve this (again :-) next week mtable/mtr/mtd attr support (#114 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/114>, #220 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/220>) NS: none of the attrs are supported. Can only do basic matrices and determinants FW: google is redoing table, so we can’t upsteam anything until they implement something. NS: no tables at all in core??? That doesn’t seem acceptable. FW: I agree. But we should wait and see what they come up with DC: seems like we need to put off attr support
Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2020 17:44:12 UTC