Re: WG draft charter

Thanks Brian for working on the draft,

I just skimmed through it, I think it looks good overall. My main
concern is about the policy regarding what will go into MathML Core
specifications (or any other one that is intended to be implemented
natively in browsers).

I believe the charter should really contain strong rules that aligns
with the policy of other web platform standards (maybe in "Decision
policy"?), so we are sure that we don't end up adding/keeping something
in the spec that, for example, lacks rigorous implementation details,
does not have web platform tests, is controversial among the browser
community or for which nobody is committing to implement it.

We have tried our best to adhere to these principles and that was
instrumental in order to convince the browser community that our CG is
credible and address criticisms of the MathML3 specification. However,
this is a topic that has been raised again and again in Core meetings.
So I think we should make sure that this is clearly stated in the charter.

Frédéric Wang

Received on Friday, 31 July 2020 22:14:49 UTC