Minutes: MathML general meeting 30 July, 2020

The meeting was recorded:
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It was a very lively meeting today. Thanks to Patrick Ion for a valiant
effort trying to keep up with the note taking!


Neil Soiffer

David Farmer

Deyan Ginev

Sam Dooley

Louis Maher

David Carlisle

Murray Sargent

Patrick Ion

Bruce Miller

1. MathML WG Charter: comments, suggestions, etc

   1. comments, suggestions, etc

NS: Do please look at this charter draft and do what you think is needed; I
want to move from the gathering ideas phase to the winnowing down phase in
a week or two.

BM: Please leave it open to that for a couple of weeks; recent conferences
have left me no time to do what I’d like to and some things need to be
thought over, in my opinion.

   1. deprecate fence, separator?

NS: malign and mgroup should be added to the list; I’m probably the only
implementor ever

DC: You may be the only one to have understood them!

SD: Maybe I did more on them a long time ago

NS: They’re difficult to have in Core; indeed to do at all

DC: Random alignment points in arbitrary formulas is really hard

NS: There may be things in elementary math that might extend. It’s a
natural extension of long division for number to long division of
polynomials. This requires lining of the terms in the polynomials. From
there, it’s not a big step to support more general polynomial term
alignment in systems of equations, equations. I wrote an elementary math
polyfill that works after a fashion not so badly

MS: We use maligngroup and malignmark in Office Math for arrays; you can
use phantoms perhaps; but characters have different widths ..[we had UTC
this week and it took time]

DC: Already we had to restrict these from arbitrariness in MathML1 quite a
bit for  MathML2 because of the difficulties of implementation. What
restrictions does MS do with them, if any.

MS: I need to look into that.

NS: Deprecating fence and separator are minor issues in my view

What about content MathML if semantics are powerful enough? Dump it?

MS:I gave an example of Dirac notation in physics where you really have to
say the vertical bars are separators; and I don’t see how to do it otherwise

NS:The semantics can take care of that

MS: It’s surely simpler for persons that don’t implement the semantics
handling to have what’s there now?

NS:It’s just ambiguous notation like absolute value vs. determinant already

MS: It’s the problem of stretch handling in part that’s annoying

DG: Just add another <mrow>

DC: I still don’t get it  a bit of your example, Murray

BM: The author needs to say if the inner bars are fences or separators

NS: mrows are really useful for structuring;Too many editors leave them out
or just have them flat

DC: I can have 6 nested <mrow>s in extreme cases; I clear some of them later

MS: Too many mrows makes it unreadable

BM: <mrow>s make a thing that can be passed around

MS: Re maligngroup and malignmark, in OfficeMath, the equation array

exports in MathML as

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block">




































2. Continue comparison of semantics proposals    a) new work

DG: {Shares Screen} : https://dginev.github.io/tiny-mathml-a11y-demo/

Examples of Accessible Formula Narration

Depending on the data-semantic attribute value and the Javascript
associated it can be sent over to a screen reader.  Sounds and looks very

BM: I had wondered about this sort of thing and its relation to linebreaks

NS: Very good for speech; Sam?

SD: the multiple infix case handling; how does it go; 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 + 5

NS: For this sort of example (cf. Deyan screen); there’s difference between
binary and unary operators; in speech there might be pauses; in MathPlayer
you’d get bigger pauses depending on depth, say 50ms;  details are not clear

BM: In current LaTeXML these things get accumulated as a long tail

NS: That will mess line-breaking up

DC: Why does the relation example come out flat while  +s come out nested

BM: I was fishing for what the semantics really are for relations; these
are not n-ary operators in the normal case

NS:There’s a problem that is known


DC:I’ve been generating C from this sort of thing; but it depends on the
target language whether you want to unwind or not; there’s a danger in
over-expanding semantics

SD: Functional notation let’s you delay the choice; ‘multirelation’ does
this; is the functional syntax not to everyone’s liking?

NS: Here the multirelation includes both operands and operators; \pm and +s
seems to give a single operator distinguished in the list and not the
others. A <  B < C < D or  A +  B +- C + D, say [see the comparison doc]

SD: You just effectively renamed mrow essentially

NS: n-ary and special place arguments would be a pain for speech rendering

BM: I don’t see there being any definitive operator on any <mrow>; parsing
into some tree is simple enough, but that’s not the same as multirelation
… ; I might have done differently for such cases

This is a case where the semantic tree and the presentation tree have very
different shapes

NS: Given semantic marking, it’s still my decision as the converter what to
do with it, say speak it according to my likes, whatever they may be.

BM: Again it’s the question of the purpose of the semantic attribute:
speech or computation

SD: Anyone using the semantic info has to make decisions as to what to do

DC: Looking at the a  < b \leq c example vs a < b < b < c (a monotonic
list, in our cases typically long)...

Monotonic lists are easy to check all the time, as we do for up to 10^6
elements; you should be able to express such semantics; multirelation and
arguments wouldn’t do;   I’d like  a #* option

PI: regex handling would be very powerful but difficult to have implemented
as well

DC: Sum isn’t a repeated binary operation; it’s a sum; developers make
demands of my generated code

SD:  …

BM: The case with all operators the same were rare; you can’t count on them

DC: They are different things; arrays of numbers have a limited number of
natural operations.

SD: For me there’s an uncomfortable aspect to combining operators and data
as arguments of a function

Do we want to impose a functional form for 1 + 2 - 3 + 4? Deyan picked one
but do we want

to fix such a thing with a semantic label (thus have a lot of slightly
different labels)?

NS: very lively discussion, but we need to move on as we are running out of
time. We will pick this up again next week.
3. Drafting a list of "known" semantics.

NS: I do want to get this done.  It likely will turn things up that need
more thought for semantics.  I suggest we start by taking the function
names of pragmatic content mathml  (except unifying the trig functions with
the apply cases)

SD: they involve apply ..

NS: OK, they aren’t special then

MS: sin you have to know to speak as “sine”

NS: you also need to know that a power with ‘2’ is spoken as “squared”.
Special case rules will always be needed.

NS: I’ll share screen …

[Discussion: PI note hiatus]

We’d have list of known things as Semantics1 and later Semamtics2 could be

DC:Iit’s the same as what happened with the MathML Operator Dictionary---as
Unicode got bigger over time; you could have the same situation (as
non-normative) here

SD: Deyan’s done a fine job outside the MathML spec

NS: The problem with data-* is it’s not passed along to the Accessibility
Tree; this came up elsewhere recently and had to be rejected as “the easy
solution” for exactly that reason

DG: Opening up to, say, Math Overflow could get us a list of hundreds of
items easily

SD: (sarcastically) David, how did that work for OpenMath?

NS: A blessed list is something you want everyone to implement; start with
500 not 5000 items, and then add 100 or so in version/level 2, then more in
level 3, etc.

BM: There are slight duplicates and you can’t tell which one

NS: Translation to other languages is often too much; opening up to get a
long list to consider is fine; then curate this down to Level 1 to be
immediately implemented and proceed from there

DG: ..


NS: What do we want in a list  format: Markdown, HTML; Google sheets; ..

BM: Sortable.

SD: Some indication of the provenance is needed; e,g. All Pragmatic Content
Symbols; Bruce’s dreams, …

BM: That’s the advantage of pages where we can put math

NS: Can DC generate a start of this from Chapter 4

DC: More or less, and I did so a month ago

SD: Yes you can get a basic 150 or so that way

NS: Sam?

SD: I’ll send my most recent list

DC: I’m away next week

SD: Found it

NS: I will do a Google Sheet; we clearly have more on semantics; 2 more
weeks on charter comments, then we’ll nail it down to W3C standards.  Thank
you all

Received on Friday, 31 July 2020 00:00:54 UTC