Minutes: MathML core meeting on 24/2/20



   David Carisle

   Neil Soiffer

   Brian Kardell

   Rob Buis

   Bruce Miller

   Patrick Ion


The meeting was recorded:

Very scant notes this time -- listen to the recording for more details.
process (~90 open bugs)


   assign tasks

NS: there are often many tasks with an issue -- spec, implementation,
testing. We should assign someone to do one of them and then they can pass
the assignment on to the appropriate next person when they finish. Right
now, very few tasks are assigned.


   Needs implementation -- link to bugs in all the browsers (hence write
   bug report for platform)

BK: maybe not want to wait for other browser implementations to close an
issue. File the issue with the other browser and move on.

Quick review: are these resolved?


   Can we close Deprecate/Remove merror #70

      Mostly done -- just need tests to verify style sheet is there

   Script level increment in munder, mover, munderover scripts #7


   Handling of out-of-flow elements #16

      Spec needs to say more than it currently does. This needs tests for
      positioning so it can be closed.

   Deprecate/Remove the mstyle element #89

      Nothing left to do/closed

   Change definition of space-like maction and semantics #160

      Maybe can be closed. FW needs to verify

   Remove xlink:href #127


PRs on explainer:

Change link to the definition of HTMLOr*Element from HTML5

Proposed changes for linking and tabindexing

Mostly editorial changes that I feel make the explainer easier to read

NS: someone needs to deal with the PRs

BK: I’ll do it - for the explainer ones. RB will look at my PRs

Links on elements: #125

agreed to links on leaf, agreement to put them mrow and not add an ‘a’

Meeting next week

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 00:31:24 UTC