Minutes: MathML Core meeting August 24, 2020



   Neil Soiffer

   Patrick Ion

   David Carlisle

   Brian Kardell

   Murray Sargent

   Bruce Miller

   Louis Maher


The meeting was recorded:
Passcode: 51rKzz+?  (meetings starts about 7 minutes in)

Minimal minutes this time
MathML WG charter items

General discussion about resolving what should go in core and how to make
that decision. Also, what can be in the charter regarding that. Issue 146
(hyphen-minus) was used as an example for a good part of the discussion as
currently Igalia doesn’t plan to support it but the other browsers do as do
almost all other MathML software.
Resolving more issues:Describe how to layout DOM elements violating HTML5
model #187 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/187> & #15
<https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/15> (Webkit/Gecko
preferences update?)

Seems like Webkit/Gecko are on board -- reopen if needed. We’ve reached out
to them about it.

Remove/Deprecate subscriptshift/superscriptshift attributes of
msubsup/msup/msub #27 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/27>

NS: Not much documented usage, but the need comes up in Chemistry

DC: there is definitely a need, TeX does this in various ways like struts
to force common heights.

DC: Probably the TeX chemistry packages change the font param. I would need
to look.

DC: people who really care like a journal editor would create their own
font with changes to the params.

MS: Office handles them by building a structure, but then ignores those

BM: You can probably use CSS for a chemistry class.

Resolved: remove from core


Received on Monday, 24 August 2020 23:09:48 UTC