Re: MathML Core Meeting: cancelled for 20/4/20

On 20/04/2020 06:37, Neil Soiffer wrote:
> The pressing issues to discuss are ones that were raised by Frédéric.
> He said he can't make the meeting on Monday, so there won't be a
> meeting on Monday. Hopefully he can make it the following week
> If someone wants to add items to an agenda for the 27th, please do so
> by editing the agenda at
> For those planning on attending, enjoy your unplanned extra hour this
> week :-)
>     Neil
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
I removed my pending items, I think the highest priority right now is
having the compact operator dictionary as this is already blocking us to
implement movablelimits for example ; or to do refactoring in Gecko /
WebKit or to update tests. Updating the CSS proposal (in particular with
fantasai's suggestion) is also important but we need more time to review
that with Rob ; so it probably does not make sense to discuss it again
for now. Finally, several layout improvements (operators, etc) will
probably depend on future feedback from Google reviewers, so not sure
the CG can decide for now.

Frédéric Wang

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 16:02:39 UTC