Re: New "need something" labels for issue triaging

Hello everybody,

I've changed the workflow for test management and *I'm now closing
issues when spec and test changes are done in MathML Core*. Otherwise,
issues remain open indefinitely since we are not updating the full spec
for now.

For the remaining work:

* If people want to write polyfills/extensions, check the corresponding
label for closed issues:

* If people want to update MathML full; check the corresponding labels
for closed issues:

* I removed the "implementation update" label. This is not a work for
our CG but something that has to be handled in each respective browser
trackers. In practice, Rob and I instead check
to determine things that have to be fixed in browsers. So as long as new
tests are written we know what we have to change. (Conversely, we must
have tests before sending patches to browsers anyway).

Frédéric Wang

Received on Monday, 16 September 2019 09:59:39 UTC