Notes: General meeting September 10

Meeting was recorded:

The notes are rather superficial due to the interesting discussion making
it hard to take notes. Listen to the recording to hear the full discussion.

Neil Soiffer

Murray Sargent

Steve Noble

David Farmer

Charles LaPierre

Sam Dooley

Continue discussion -- adding some semantic info to presentation MathML (#64
<>, #68
<>, #79
<>, #80
<>, #84
<>, #93
<>, ???)

NS:  Want to allow MathML to be semantic, but not require it

DF: Authors may have to do because of university accessibility requirements

NS: I don’t think exact words should be used

MS: Yes, multiple language

NS: Braille

MS: Nemeth braille tends to be semantic agnostic, e.g.,
superscript/subscript notation doesn’t specify whether power or index

NS: we could do this with a module-prefix "role" attr or something similar.

NS: e.g, role="math:power"
NS: Or we could point off to a URL (maybe URI) such as wikidata.

CP: I prefer using names vs URL

NS: Content MathML added a base URL to shorten URL. Can’t remember the
reasons other than shortening the names

MS: Security issues with following URLs

NS: Don’t need to follow the URLS to know the meaning.
NS: Another idea for adding semantics is to add a subject area to the math
element. This could be in addition to a role attr.

NS: I like having both subject area and role. It gives more flexibility to
authors/authoring software.

NS: Need uniform subject names.  Maybe plain human readable text is
adequate because there are not too many truly distinct topics?

NS: Would using the AMS classification system or some other system make

DF: AMS system is aimed at very high level math topics; not really
appropriate for textbooks, etc.

MS: is too detailed for a list

?: Possible subject areas -- Calculus, trigonometry, statistics, algebra
(basic), algebra (abstract), combinatorics,...

CL: This will be reviewed after we have a specific proposal.

MS: is too detailed for a list

NS: We need to move beyond discussion to actual action. Let's come up with
some lists.
SD: I did some work and came up with many hundreds, maybe thousands, of
semantic roles for the Pearson editor. These basically extended content
NS: I or Volker might be able to get a list together from the notations we

NS: Where should we put the proposal?

SD: Need it to be machine readable because we will run scripts on it.

NS: Seems like a Google sheet would work.

SD: I can start one and link from a GitHub issue.

NS: I will also start a list of subjects and then hand off to DF.

ACTION: Sam to link issue to a spreadsheet roles he developed

ACTION: Neil to link issue to a spreadsheet for subject area

The next meeting will be October 8 at the normal time.

Received on Saturday, 14 September 2019 05:37:56 UTC