- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 17:27:01 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkDY5xvBd8q26pdru493g2nox85Z=pLOAS_ouMkHMMZ71Q@mail.gmail.com>
Note: next meeting on Thursday 12/9/19, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 8pm Central European Time. The meeting recording is at https://benetech.zoom.us/recording/share/4xQEsJZ0gj-sZ_uzRPNDPjxOsag8Tcy5M1PYpZsqV-M Attendees: - Neil Soiffer - Fred Wang - Rob Buis - David Carisle - Brian Kardell - Bruce Miller - Patrick Ion - Murray Sargent Agenda: https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/8#issuecomment-529299507 DOM/IDL #83 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/83> #118 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/118> (update from Brian?) BK: Some work is done in all of the browsers (HTMLOrForeignElement) BK: Need to deal with tabindex NS: What needs to specified? BK: Need to say that tabindex is global to the document, not to just MathML BK: Need to say in doc that has MathML, can put href on any element BK: Need to say CSS focus pseudo-classes work in MathML like in HTML BK: Not a lot of things to do, but it can be complicated. E.g., scrollable areas that get focus. NS: So just need to say MathML doesn’t need special cases. BK: To me and you, it seems that simple but we need to be very explicit. Activation behavior, keyboard behavior needs to be spelled. BK: Fred -- how do we want to handle this in writing the spec? FW: just do a PR and add to tabindex issue for that part since I’m sure what should happen FW: maybe part of global attrs BK: bzbarsky said we should be explicit or say they are the same as HTML BK: I think we can just point to HTML to avoid getting out of sync. FW: we need more tests for DOM IDL BK: No worry about renaming because we have implementer support for it. FW: Dominic replied that we can send a PR to the HTML5 group. BK: Just need to add HTMLOrForeignElement to spec, which is less important BK: Turns out that Mozilla supports non HTML Custom Elements BK: Looks like only XUL elements, but plumbing actually looks like is supports anything. FW: something to discuss at TPAC percent width/height for foreignObject: #49 (comment) <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/49#issuecomment-529412104> <mtext><span style="inline-block; width: 50%"></span></mtext>. FW: I’d like % to resolve against 0 NS: what happens outside of MathML for span inside of another span FW: needs to look at enclosing block NS: Why not resolve against parent <math> or <mtable> which would be enclosing block? FW: Google felt it is more complicated FW: Maybe in the future we could resolve against <math> or <mtable>. FW: Haven’t agreed on supporting width/height on <math> or <mtable>. BK: why can’t we support w/h on token elements? FW: I had a proposal a while ago, but don’t remember all the details. There are problems with overflow. NS: So just generally a lot more complication? FW: the issue is https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/45, which we earlier resolved to ignore. NS: Brian, did you have a use case? BK: what about large numbers and getting them to linebreak? FW: we’ve postponed linebreaking, so we’ve postponed that NS: I agree -- lots of cases where we want linebreaking. NS: What about span inside of mn FW: Should just work BK: I tried it and it didn’t work NS: Sounds like a test is needed… FW: Parent needs to pass width and height. In theory we can do it, but someone needs to do that. NS: Worry about it being different than the rest of web. How hard is it really? FW: Fred parent passes w/h to children, but doesn’t know w/h until children have done layout. NS: But this is a different w/h. It is the block w/h, no computation of the children is needed. It is sort of the page width, not related to the children’s w/h. FW: Someone needs to do the work, so it is easy just to make it 0. NS: But this makes MathML different than the rest of HTML. NS: My feeling is that is linebreaking. We need to support it, but spec can say currently not supported. NS: Incompatibilities if we set it 0 FW: yes, there were some tests where different browsers do different things. <some back and forth on how to say this in the spec> BK: if we don’t say something, people will come to rely on current behavior. FW: happens with Firefox’s linebreaking but Firefox’s linebreaking didn’t follow the spec FW: if you want it supported, then you need to write tests and implement it FW: picking 0 is easiest NS: I understand it is more work, but it seems wrong FW: I agree it is wrong, but it is easy and we need to resolve this. RB: We need to know more about how w/h work. Their not inheritable BK: Not inheritable, but the space they render into is heritable. #50 (comment) <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/50#issuecomment-529412323> https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/45#issuecomment-511718819 display values and CSS properties: #31 (comment) <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/31#issuecomment-529409481> BK: CSS group worried about these. They were worried that this would be just the first of many, rather than just these three. BK: No sure we can say they were strongly opposed. FW: We can make these just internal. FW: Could affect polyfills, but could otherwise do internally. NS: I thought you had them set in the stylesheet FW: Style sheet can make use of internal values. NS: BK should talk to people at TPAC and get them more comfortable with the idea of adding a few more properties. #56 auto value for “display” property (comment) <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/56#issuecomment-529406477> FW: need to add another display value “auto” FW: could add more for every type of math notation NS: I don’t see the CSS group allowing 20 new values. FW: example -- suppose they want to use flex box to layout a fraction. Adding a display:auto means that mfrac’s layout could be overridden. FW: proposed to Google last week and they seemed happy with it BK: maybe in the future we can add more display values FW: but probably need to add a lot if we go that route FW: and we’d probably have to expose linkethickness for fractions, etc. BK: will see what TPAC people think of the proposal BK: what happens with the current implementation if I override layout? FW: It will ignore it in Chromium, at least in theory it should work, but probably things will break Ran out of time: next meeting on Thursday at the same time to resolve remaining issues before BK goes to TPAC.
Received on Thursday, 12 September 2019 00:27:37 UTC