MathML Core meeting notes 10/6/19

We tried an experiment of the entire group contributing to the notes. I'm
afraid to say the experiment was pretty much a failure with the exception
of getting everyone's name spelled correctly :-) Mostly we went over action
items from the last meeting and discussed the results and how they help
with a resolution. The notes, such as they are, are below. If you want to
know more details, you will need to listen to the meeting recording (thanks
again to Charles for setting that up!):



   Sam Dooley

   Patrick Ion

   David Carlisle

   Neil Soiffer

   Bruce Miller

   Brian Kardell

   Frédéric Wang

Regrets: Murray Sargent, Rob Buis (holiday in Germany)



   More defaults linethickness (#4
   <>) and mathsize (#7

      No resolution - we need to think on this more.

    Sam had some old MathML code and his editor defined:

        "xx-small": "60%", //

               "x-small": "75%", //

               "small": "80%", //

               "medium": "100%", //

               "large": "120%", //

               "x-large": "150%", //

               "xx-large": "200%", //

               "xxx-large": "300%", //


   fallback values for math font constants: #69
   Neil said he added some values to the font constants table and then
   decided to look at a paper that tried to come up with formulas for the font
   constants. Neil said he found some bad assumptions and mistakes and was
   working on his own formulas. He needed to try them out on some other fonts
   besides computer modern. David suggested

       Latin Modern Math:

    No resolution - needs more discussion.  Neil will investigate more and
we will try to get info from Dani

      [discussion on the Lucida family at]


   mpadded: prohibit vertical pseudo-units in horizontal attributes (#81
   <>) -- Neil
   (motivation), Fred (TeXZilla and itex2MML, implemented in Firefox?), Rob
   (query Brian)

      Agree to what Fred proposed in terms of avoiding height/depth
      crossovers in core. We can probably keep them in full if the
"aspect ratio"
      proposed feature gets added to CSS.
      - quick discussion on some spec software details

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2019 03:28:22 UTC