Re: [MathML4] Multiple Formats for Presentation and Semantics

This is an interesting idea.   Previously, I had been thinking of multiple
presentation alternatives for notational choices (rather than supported
protocols).   This would be important, for example, in pulling together
modules for a course or a book, where the notational styles of the
collections differed.   At the time, XSL seemed to offer a sufficient
solution, but there is no reason that mathml with pre-generated notational
choices couldn't be served.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 4:46 AM Adam Sobieski <>

> Math Working Group,
> MathML Refresh Community Group,
> I would like to present an idea for discussion for MathML4. The idea is
> based upon the approaches to mathematical semantics from MathML3. The idea
> is to include in MathML4 a means of providing multiple presentational
> formats.
> <math>
> <presentation>
>   <annotation-xml encoding="application/xhtml+xml">...</annotation-xml>
>   <annotation-xml encoding="application/svg+xml">...</annotation-xml>
>   <annotation encoding="image/png" src="data:..." />
>   <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Presentation">...</annotation-xml>
> </presentation>
> <semantics>
>   <annotation-xml encoding="application/openmath+xml">...</annotation-xml>
>   <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content">...</annotation-xml>
> </semantics>
> </math>
> With such mathematical markup, browsers could, in a manner similar to
> MathJax, provide users with configuration to indicate which formats to
> display when multiple presentational formats are available.
> Topics to consider would include the clipboarding of mathematical elements
> and of hypertext containing mathematics.
> Topics to consider would also include interoperation with MathJax. MathJax
> could populate the presentational options available in <presentation>
> elements. Interestingly, the document object model resulting from MathJax
> processing could resemble the document object model had multiple
> presentational formats been provided.
> I look forward to discussing these and other ideas for MathML4.
> Best regards,
> Adam Sobieski

Received on Monday, 25 February 2019 11:49:48 UTC