Sharing MathML data for Firefox

Hi everybody,

In [1], Emilio has re-enabled MathML telemetry on all Firefox channels.
Currently we only have one probe measuring the number of top-level
documents containing MathML [2]. However, we plan to add more probes for
legacy MathML 3 features soon in order to complement the survey [3] and
decide whether we can remove them from MathML Core and unship them from

If you are a Firefox user and want to participate to this data
collection, then please make sure you checked the option

"Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla"

in your privacy preference. Feel free to share this information to other
MathML folks in order to maximize the measured population and make the
data more accurate/useful.



Frédéric Wang

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2019 15:24:56 UTC