Re: Update on BlinkOn/Chromium conference

@Neil: You haven't sent this message to the mailing list. I assume you
are ok with me replying here since you actually asked the same question
in yesterday's core meeting.

Basically the answer can be found from slide :

(1) We have a public development branch:
; we only tested on Linux and macOS so far but it should be possible to
build Chromium with MathML support on all chromium-supported platforms (
the layout code is relatively platform-independent ).
(2) Our buildbot regularly builds the latest packages for Linux:

As I said during the meeting we probably don't want to advertise too
much about it for now. In general unstable builds of chromium should
only be used by people who know what they do ; in this particular case
it is really a work-in-progress implementation, there are bugs, several
features on the roadmap are not implemented yet etc so it's probably not
good enough yet to be presented to a wider audience. Still, it is useful
for alpha testers or people willing to write WPT tests. Igalia has some
buildbots for macOS / Windows so it should be possible to use them to
produce Chromium MathML builds on these platforms in the future.

On 27/04/2019 01:39, Neil Soiffer wrote:
> Thanks for sharing and spreading the word. How does one get a version
> of Chromium with MathML support (and what needs to get set to turn it
> on, if anything)?
>     Neil
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:51 AM Frédéric Wang <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hello MathML CG,
>     We attended BlinkOn, the international conference for Chromium
>     developers with members from Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Facebook,
>     Samsung, Intel, etc.
>     We gave a talk providing an overview of the project roadmap,
>     status after three months and several nice demos ran in our
>     Chromium MathML build. You can check out the slides here:
>     -
>     screenshots of Chromium with MathML support)
>     -
>     version, required a version of Chromium with MathML support to
>     properly render)
>     It was not possible to record our talk and there is not any
>     speaker notes about it, sorry about that.
>     Overall the presentation was well-received by attendees. We got
>     several questions that indicate interest in the project and good
>     feedback when talking to individuals afterwards. Google engineers
>     also provided good hints for the future development of the
>     project.As you know, the Edge team is migrating to Chromium and
>     they seem interested in knowing more about the user demand for
>     MathML support in browsers. They were not really clear about
>     Microsoft's position, so we'll let Murray clarify if he wishes.
>     Frédéric and Rob

Frédéric Wang

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 18:04:28 UTC