Re: ebnf

* Dave Pawson <> [2012-11-29 05:55 -0500]:
> Syntax is checked according to XML 1.1 syntax definition

Group: I've also found an EBNF parser which can generate a syntax
checker for any EBNF grammar (useful!).  It can generate in C, C++,
Perl, and Python (but Python is not done according to the website)  The
links to the online version, and help page, are below.

Online version:
Help and install instructions:

Dave P. was able to get our grammar to parse correctly, but the darn
thing eats CR/LF/CRLF combinations as part of its parsing, so that would
need to be worked on to get the syntax checking correct.

The grammar he got to parse is below.

	Document ::= Para
	Term      ::= (#xD #xA | #xA #xD | #xD | #xA)
	Bl ::= WS* Term
	Para ::= SP? SP? SP? Text+  Term Bl
	WS        ::= (SP | HT)+
	SP        ::= #x20
	HT        ::= #x9
	CR        ::= #xD
	LF        ::= #xA
	Text ::= [^#xA#xD]

This will at least tell us the EBNF is correct, just like the script above.

dave [ please don't CC me ]

Received on Friday, 30 November 2012 14:04:17 UTC