Re: In support of profiles

Le 27 nov. 2012 à 20:04, Dave Pawson a écrit :
> My reasons for supporting different profiles.

just to reassess what I have expressed and maybe make it clearer. Profiles are premature. The way I see things. 

1. We take all features of Markdown as described by John Gruber.
2. We check how these features are implemented or not with regards to Markdown original spec.
3. We note all the issues, ambiguities as issues.
4. We create Markdown tests for every patterns we can find for the good cases AND the ambiguities.
5. we ASK implementers to comment and propose what they are willing to drop or straighten (with a possibility that nothing will change but at least better described)

Once all of that is done. Maybe IMPLEMENTERS can propose profiles.

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations, Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 11:20:01 UTC