para definition, syntax and semantic. Summary

Summary of posts to date

DP. proposal
A paragraph starts in column 1 and continues until two or more
newline characters are met.

Karl D. 0-3 sp .. \n\n|EOF

Ryan Freebern adds
0-3 sp ...\n 0..3 sp ....\n\n  which still falls within the above definition.

I've tried all the combinations I could think of with these, and the
definition below holds good.

Syntax "A para Starts with 0..3 (optional) ws, terminates with  two or more
consecutive newlines or  an end of file "

A transform shall produce a flow of text with breaks in the block
progression direction before and after the para.

I'm using block-progression direction (as apposed to top to bottom)
simply to allow for global/non-Western use.
As agreed, the semantic is format neutral.

Karl pointed out a para line which terminated in 1-3 spaces
'terminates' the line insofar as it produces <br>
in HTML. I agree, but this is an inline element in my view and should
be dealt with along with other inlines.
The inline would be "end of line finishes with two or more space
characters followed by newline"
The semantic is TBA, perhaps "generates a break in the block
progression direction"

I'll add this to the wiki.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 13:07:22 UTC