Re: header syntax.

* Dave Pawson <> [2012-11-21 10:32 -0500]:
> On 21 November 2012 14:29, Shane McCarron <> wrote:
> > As to processing precedence order, I think it should be:
> >
> > 1. # headerText with optional trailing # and optional ID text
> > 2. headerText followed by /^=+/ or /^-+/
> >
> > If a processor encounters both, the header level determined from (1) above
> > is used, and the dividing line is ignored.
> Have you seen other implementations which have a defined  precedence?
> I am -1 on any form of precedence. All I can see is confusion (users)
> and being ignored (implementation).

The thing which immediately came to mind when reading the above
description was that if a processor encountered both, the /^=+/ or /^-+/
should be treated as a horizontal rule.  However, neither
1.0.1 or 1.0.2b8 produce that.  For both, with the input

# Header 1 #

results in the output

<h2># Header 1 #</h2>

Something for an extension, perhaps, as it seems to be very inline with
the core concept: make pretty plain text, and convert it in a way that
makes sense to HTML.

dave [ please don't CC me ]

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 16:24:53 UTC