Re: What is out there?

On 20 November 2012 01:08, Nathan Youngman <> wrote:
> I agree that we need an idea of popularity, maintenance, etc.
> Companies using it
> Downloads
> Link to source repository
> Date of last update
> Age/completeness
> Some of this information can be found in place like the Ruby Toolbox:
> I like how the StackOverflow link takes a survey of how a particular feature
> (code fencing) is implemented. From that, we could make recommendations
> based on user expectation (familiarity with popular implementations and
> consistency with the rest of the spec).
> I don't think we can possibly evaluate every implementation there is, but we
> could choose a dozen or so of the "top" ones.

That would be useful. Do you have the bandwidth to do this?

You raise a good point, who are the 'unknown' users, e.g. forums
that use a 'strange' form of markdown [URL]  http .....[/URL] is
one I've seen. Blogs? Stackoverflow must have lots of users.
I'd guess that this class of user is larger than those users who
use MD by hand for generating HTML.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 08:05:11 UTC