RE: Circle Support For MapML

Sorry there were a few revision typos in the code which likely makes it unreadable. Corrected below.

var circleLayer = document.implementation.createMAPMLDocument();  //  (I saw something like this for HTML documents on MDN. Something similar could be useful for MapML)

// creates a new MapML document, for which you can set the properties via DOM calls, e.g. title
circleLayer.title = "New Circle Layer";

var f = circleLayer.createElement('feature');

// libraries like Leaflet or OpenLayers could supply geometry constructors
f.geometry = new Circle( Parameters for a 10-metre radius circle around the Greenwich Observatory at 51.48N, 0.00E go here). 'coordinate serialization method goes here'();

// or alternatively even maybe a factory method on the geometry element? The SimpleFeatures model doesn't forbid it I guess.  Would have to ask the experts at OGC...
f.geometry = Parameters for a 10-metre radius circle around the Greenwich Observatory at 51.48N, 0.00E go here );


//other manipulations for style, class etc

// append the mapml document into the layer as content (no @src attribute required)

// circle appears on the map, and in the layer control


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation / Earth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre / Secteur des sciences de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél: 613-759-7915

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 15:20:56 UTC