Open Geospatial Consortium Testbed 13 Call For Participation

Dear Maps For HTML Community,

Please be advised that the OGC has issued a call for participation in Testbed 13, the details of which can be found here: 

Natural Resources Canada is a co-sponsor of this project, and aims to further develop the concept and implementations of Map Markup Language in particular, with the ultimate goal of geo-enabling the Web.

I would be very pleased if your organization would consider participation in the testbed project, with a view to helping achieve this goal.  For further information about the structure and process about the project, please review and follow the instructions at the aforementioned Web page.


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation / Earth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
peter.rushforth at canada point ca / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre / Secteur des sciences de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
peter.rushforth at canada point ca / Tél: 613-759-7915

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2017 19:41:25 UTC