I added the possibility of remote participation to the CFP with a warning
that we still hadn't got all the technical details sorted.
My reasons: We definitely want people to tell us if they're interested but
can't come in person. And I was pretty certain we'd have more than a couple
people in this situation.
If there's worries about the facility WiFi not being good enough for
video-streaming (on top of individual participant's use), we could maybe
source a dedicated MiFi type mobile hotspot for the main computer.
On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 08:40, Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan) <
peter.rushforth@canada.ca> wrote:
> I’ve had a couple of requests to participate remotely. I have so far
> responded that the submission process will be the same, but we do hope to
> have enough bandwidth to support such presentations. Remote participation
> is better than no participation, if it works. Hopefully this accords with
> others’ thinking?
> I note that it’s in our draft CFP website more or less as such, so I
> believe that reflects our discussions also.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> Peter Rushforth
> Technology Advisor
> Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
> Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
> peter.rushforth@canada.ca / Tel: 613-759-7915
> Conseiller technique
> Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre
> Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
> peter.rushforth@canada.ca / Tél: 613-759-7915