Re: Mutual understanding between Solid CG and LWS WG regarding the input documents under Deliverables of LWS WG charter


The LWS WG discussed this issue in today's weekly meeting. [1]

The consensus view was that it would be acceptable for the CG to continue
work on the editors' draft of the Solid Protocol specification, especially
as it relates to fixing errors. The expectation is that the CG will not
publish a new fixed version of the protocol, such as 0.12, nor that the CG
would change the protocol in a significant way.

In addition, it is important to note that the WG will treat these documents
as inputs, and the WG may be selective in what is adopted from those inputs.

I hope that clarifies the issue from the WG side. It would be helpful if a
CG chair could chime in on this thread from the CG perspective.

Best regards,


On Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 11:08, Jesse Wright <>

> + 1 on the mutual understanding to allow work such as
> to land within the CG.
> I also recommend the WG signal to the CG when it will start taking the
> input documents into active consideration such that there there is a known
> window of time in which there should be focussed effort on resolving
> similar issues within the CG.
> I propose we make this an agenda item on Monday.
> Best,
> Jesse
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sarven Capadisli <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 5, 2025 10:38:59 pm
> *To:* <>; <
> *Subject:* Mutual understanding between Solid CG and LWS WG regarding the
> input  documents under Deliverables of LWS WG charter
> Hi all, IANAL, and I'm speaking for myself, not on behalf of anyone.
> It would be worthwhile to clarify a mutual understanding between the
> Solid CG and the LWS WG regarding the items listed as input documents in
> the LWS WG charter that have been Solid CG work items, e.g., the Solid
> Protocol.
> Since the LWS WG charter mentions adopting the "Solid Protocol, latest
> published version (0.11.0) or Editor's Draft" and to 1) avoid potential
> deliberation on what was agreed and what was not, and 2) leave room for
> continuous improvements, the mutual understanding for the time being can
> be as follows:
> * LWS WG understands that Solid CG may continue updating the Solid
> Protocol ED ( ).
> * Solid CG understands that the LWS WG may adopt (or discard) changes
> made to the Solid Protocol ED.
> That may seem evident in hindsight, but I can assure you that was the
> intention (
> ).
> -Sarven

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