LWS WG Meeting schedule

Thanks to all who contributed to the poll for determining the best time for
our regular working group meeting.

Starting on 28 Oct, 2024, we will be meeting on Mondays at 10 am Eastern
Time. As is typical with W3C groups, the meeting will be pinned to the time
in Boston, USA. The canonical meeting schedule is available at

Next week is also a peculiar week in that Daylight Savings Time will have
ended in European time zones, while it will still be in effect in the US.

Given that the time of our meeting is aligned with Boston, that means that,
for 28 Oct, this will be 1400 UTC / 2pm London / 3pm Paris.

After that, the timing will continue to be 10am EST (Boston) but it will be
1500 UTC / 3pm London / 4pm Paris.

Please refer to the working group calendar for the canonical schedule.


*Aaron Coburn* *(he/him)*

Engineering at Inrupt

Connect | *LinkedIn* <https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-coburn-a274334/>,
*WebID* <https://id.inrupt.com/acoburn>, *GitHub
<https://github.com/acoburn> *Explore  | *www.inrupt.com

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Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 19:00:55 UTC