Re: As a cyborg...

tbt 2012

I'm very sympathetic to what Sarven is suggesting, and I admit I also
sometimes do "as a user..." in a story title.

It can be hard to decide what to put there because sometimes a user story
makes sense for more than one persona to want to do, and maybe with
different ' that...' rationale depending on the persona.

Perhaps it would be useful to brainstorm some common personas that should
be served by this work.

Then, for any candidate user story, regardless of how it is written, we can
ask: "Which of our core personas would enact this user story (and why)?".
It could reduce the pressure on the story title "As a ___" to be able to
map to one or more already-agreed-to common personas.

A good inspiration for personas may be this doc from the Mozilla Foundation
/ Knight Foundation collaboration on the coral project. (especially the
last couple are funny)

Then, if someone finds themselves typing "As a user,", they can flip
through target personas for inspiration on how to be more precise on what
kind of end-user they are trying to enable.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 1:08 PM Ted Thibodeau Jr <>

> On Dec 17, 2024, at 12:16 PM, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
> út 17. 12. 2024 v 17:49 odesílatel Sarven Capadisli <>
> napsal:
>> Hi all,
>> I've noticed that a significant number of use cases are framed as "as a
>> user" with little to no detail about the actors involved.
>> I find "user" to be overly vague for use cases or at the very least too
>> obvious given common alternative is software (or hardware, cyborgs, etc.).
>> I suggest we take greater care in describing the actors so that the
>> requirements derived from the use cases more accurately reflect what is
>> actually needed, for whom, and in what context.
>> The focus should be on actor diversity with variations in needs,
>> capabilities, and aspirations.
> "Agent" might work here—it's a parent class of FOAF's *Person* and avoids
> unnecessary complexity like "cyborgs." While "user" can be vague, it’s
> often useful for keeping things simple and moving forward, especially in a
> group that’s already started late.
> I think the overall issue would benefit from further consideration.
> "As a cyborg" doesn't tell me what *kind* of cyborg — are you primarily a
> biological entity with mechanical subcomponents (e.g., screws in your
> skeleton, an ethernet port into your brain, a programmable pacemaker, a
> programmable pacemaker with defibrillator, etc.) or primarily a mechanical
> entity with biological subcomponents (to be specified later)?
> I think `As a foaf:Agent...` is much too broad for what these statements
> are supposed to communicate. It's certainly much broader than the original
> "as a user", not more precise (which is the direction I think you were
> trying to suggest, Melvin?).
> foaf:Agent *includes* cyborgs, humans using browsers (perhaps the most
> common meaning of either "agent" or "user"), browsers themselves,
> autonomous agents (not to be redundant), pets, and various other subclasses.
> I think `As a User...` is a fine starting point. It would likely be better
> to refine it in some way(s) — e.g., `User of a Web Browser...` or
> `User of a Breadmaker...` or `User of a Threaded-Conversation-Manager...`,
> etc.
> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> --
> A: Yes.               
> | Q: Are you sure?
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr. (he/him)  //                tel:+1-781-273-0900,1,32
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Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 21:23:42 UTC