Re: As a cyborg...

út 17. 12. 2024 v 17:49 odesílatel Sarven Capadisli <>

> Hi all,
> I've noticed that a significant number of use cases are framed as "as a
> user" with little to no detail about the actors involved.
> I find "user" to be overly vague for use cases or at the very least too
> obvious given common alternative is software (or hardware, cyborgs, etc.).
> I suggest we take greater care in describing the actors so that the
> requirements derived from the use cases more accurately reflect what is
> actually needed, for whom, and in what context.
> The focus should be on actor diversity with variations in needs,
> capabilities, and aspirations.

"Agent" might work here—it's a parent class of FOAF's *Person* and avoids
unnecessary complexity like "cyborgs." While "user" can be vague, it’s
often useful for keeping things simple and moving forward, especially in a
group that’s already started late.

> -Sarven

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 17:17:01 UTC