W3C work with low vision

Hi W3C Low Vision Community Group participants,

W3C groups are using tools such as GitHub, wiki, and Google more for essential group work. I've figure out some things that make these tools work better for my vision and settings. And I have questions.

Are others interested in sharing tips? In case so, I started a wiki page:

Please feel free to add tips or questions to that page!


I put a question in that wiki page: In GitHub Projects, there was a way to hide the content at top, so you could see more of the project data at once. I think it was a toggle top right. But now I cannot find it. Any ideas?

If you have an answer, I welcome it in the wiki or e-mail.


(I realize this is a bit tangential to the mission of the Low Vision Community Group. Yet I thought it would be welcome. :-)

For those going to CSUN, I hope you have safe travels and a good conference!


Received on Friday, 10 March 2023 02:04:31 UTC