Proposal for label proximity criterion

Team, Detlev, who is working on the mobile accessiblity task force has come up with a proposed success criteria perhaps for WCAG 2.2 related to labels and proximity.  I wanted to past his proposed criteria below for discussion.  As discussed on today's call Detlev would like to propose this as a criterion but wanted to find out if we had gotten any further with the same topic that we had identified a need for in relationship to proximity.  For example, on the call we had to talked about proximity of other content such as additional information such as pop-ups and proximity of related controls, etc.

Detlev's proposal

Label gaps
When one element acts as a label of another element, the gap between the two is no larger than twice the width or height of the element labelled (whichever is smaller*).
* This may be measured with an online ruler, possibly also automatically by a script processing the absolute positions and dimensions of two elements to work out the pixel offset. The simple formula is gap ™ MIN(e.width;e.height) * 2

Some of this test may be automatable.


Jonathan Avila, CPWA

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2019 17:00:58 UTC