Re: How do I see the newest Understanding Doc?

Hi Wayne,

I added it to the Wiki page.

I listed you tentatively as the assignee. Do you want to write it up?

Kindest Regards,

On 5/3/18, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
> I think we need a fail case for font of 16 CSS px  that does not word wrap
> at any breakpoint.
> Rationale: The real point of Reflow was to obtain 48pt font that reflows.
> Now that cannot be expressed in points because of the range of devices used
> by web content. So, we conclude that 16px is 12pt and what we need 4 times
> 16px reflowing. In comes Alastair's CSS Pixel reformulation. What we want
> is for text 16 CSS pixels to always reflow because that is the size of the
> running text.
> The real need being met is that people need running text of 48pt that
> reflows. Otherwise it is excessively difficult to read.

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2018 18:59:29 UTC