Amended: Minutes: Low Vision Task Force 22 Feb 2017

Many parts were missing. this is the updated correct version that matches
the IRC log.

Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference22 Feb 2018Attendees
PresentErich, Glenda, Jim, JohnRochford, Laura, Scott, Shawn, SteveRep,
SteveRepsher, alastaircRegretsChairJimScribeerich

   - Topics <>
      1. InfoGraphics
      2. reflow <>
   - Summary of Action Items
   - Summary of Resolutions


<JohnRochford> I am on mute because I am in a public space.

<JohnRochford> Yes, I expect him to join.

<JohnRochford> Yes.

<JohnRochford> 71 this Sunday here is sunny Massachusetts.

<JohnRochford> Jim, I am now on the record to say I love when you say

<JohnRochford> Bless your heart.

<scribe> Scribe: erich



<JohnRochford> With some irony, I could not see Alastair's infographics.

JA: Alastair was questioning infographics passing non-text contrast.

<laura> need to reboot.

<jallan> info graphics are difficult for text contrast let alone the image

AC: Jim provided good interpretation of infographics

JA: Are we still searching for something that passes?

AC: Yes, let me check and I will send a link

<jallan> focus ring -

<jallan> ... could file bug on browsers for not support

JA: Could file a bug for browsers

<alastairc> Infographic example, several techniques:

<shawn> very nice!

<jallan> before and after to illustrate solving the problem

AC: I was able to have a designer create this example, was not able to find
one otherwise


AC: Finding examples that pass is helpful, as long as everyone agrees they

<alastairc> Looking for three steps:

<alastairc> 1. Which areas of the infographic is NTC (non text contrast)

<alastairc> 2. What are the graphical objects within it

<alastairc> 3. Do they have sufficient contrast

JA: Would text description work for #1?

AC: I think text description would be fine

JA: Best to find things that pass. It's easy to find failures, which leads
to clutter

<jallan> find things that pass 2.0 text contrast, don't rely on color
alone, and pass the 2.1 none - text contrast

<jallan> likely to be specific sections of the infographic.

<JohnRochford> Or, dare I say it, long descriptions?

<JohnRochford> Laura loves long descriptions.

<jallan> jim will create a wiki page with table, and three items with link
to infographic

<laura> yes. i do. John.

<jallan> close item 1

JA: Pending issues seem to be getting addressed pretty quickly

<jallan> need to add sections to Requirements

<JohnRochford> FYI: There are Firefox extensions that do zooming.

<jallan> ... add hover SC info in section on Proximity of Related

<jallan> ... add Non-text Contrast to section on Brightness and Color (mine


JA: Link to the Firefox setting


<laura> Thanks, everyone.

<laura> bye.

<jallan> trackbot, end meeting
Summary of Action ItemsSummary of Resolutions[End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9452
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2018 17:04:08 UTC