Color Contrast for User Interface Controls in WCAG 2.1

Hi Jason,  c: LVTF

Thanks for your comments and questions about the proposed WCAG 2.1 SC
User Interface Component Contrast (Minimum)

I wanted to chat with you about your comments submitted on this survey and
see if we can get on the same page before Tuesday's AGWG call.

   1. *Your first question was:* "Should visual identifiers indicating the
   state of the control (e.g., checked/unchecked, pressed/not pressed,
   selected/not selected, the currently chosen value, for example of a slider,
   etc.) be subject to these or similar contrast requirements as well?
   - *The answer from the LVTF is* - if the visual identifier is essential,
      then it would be covered by this proposed SC.  Why?  If the state of the
      control is essential for a screen reader user to understand, then it is
      also essential for a low vision user to be able to see.
      - I've added a note beneath this proposed SC to explain this.  I
         believe this type of detail belongs in a glossary entry or in an
         understanding document (or perhaps in a failure).  I think
for this round,
         it will be valuable to let this SC out for public review as
is.  Can you
         live with that?
      2. *Your second point was* "This proposal only covers the indications
   of interactivity. From an editorial perspective, I think "visual
   identifiers that a user interface component is interactive" is awkward and
   grammatically suspect; perhaps "visual identifiers indicating that a user
   interface component is interactive" would be better."
   - During the AGWG call on Thursday, June 15, we as a group decided to
      remove the word "interactive" because it is redundant.  So, the current
      state of this proposed SC makes this comment moot.

URL for the survey where there comments were made:


glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |    |    512.963.3773

*web for everyone. web on everything.* -  w3 goals

Received on Friday, 16 June 2017 18:18:47 UTC