Re: Calculation Error

Just in  case I made some more errors, here is my code.

The relevant files are:

For indivudula font family at a time

Please check my work


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Wayne Dick <> wrote:

> The empirical test I left off: I used my sample string unicode 32-126 and
> inserted  spaces every five characters. Then I set the letter spacing to
> 0.045 and word spacing to 0.16. Then I ran the test on Tahoma. I got that
> the average space taken by each character was 9.24px. Without the spaces
> and with normal spacing I got an average of 8.6px. 9.20/8.6=1.074. Pretty
> close to the theoretical estimate.
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
>> When Alastair did his computations and got 150% enlargement that set off
>> a red flag for me. I double checked Alastair's computations and he is
>> right.
>> Letter spacing should change to 0.045em NOT 0.12em.
>> My mistake was in using the research percentages applied to whole
>> letters, not the space between them as the researcher MacLiesh suggested.
>> Thus, our letter spacing should be applied to the spacing between letters,
>> not to letters. That is 0.12x0.25=.03em.  There was actually an improvement
>> up to 0.24 of the space between letters. Then the improvement flattened. I
>> did a linear interpolation from 0 to 0.24 when I got 0.12. I think in this
>> case the research max 0.06em could make size problems for developers, but
>> the min 0.03em is a little small from my personal experience, and the
>> research plots in the MacLeish research. Thus, I recommend linear
>> interpolation again to get 0.045em.
>> Word spacing is correct because it is applied to 1em, (a space character
>> approximately). However when we compute the size increase due to word
>> spacing we must divide by the average word size (language dependent (about
>> 5 in English usage)).  So, to compute the effect of letter spacing on text
>> length we should apply the following multiplication factor:
>> (1+letter-spacing)(1+(1/5)word-spacing)<= (1+0.045)(1+0.32)=1.07844<1.08.
>> Empirical Evidence: Let us look at an average font like Tahoma. The
>> average character width is 8.69px including normal letter spacing.
>> Conclusion:
>> Word spacing should not change. Letter spacing should change from 0.12em
>> to 0.045em.
>> Wayne

Received on Friday, 9 June 2017 01:11:06 UTC