Re: Mechanism Disclaimer

Forgot to copy the task force.
On Jan 20, 2017 4:44 AM, "Laura Carlson" <>

> Hi Josh and all,
> The "mechaism is available"  language gives everyone who reads our SCs a
> misconception that wigets are required. That was not the aim. The SCs are
> not about font or spacing wigets. They are about letting people with low
> vision who use desktop browsers apply their own style sheets without
> authors introducing barriers e.g. !important on paragraphs in the stylish
> extension.
> Kindest regards,
> Laura
> On Jan 20, 2017 3:49 AM, "Joshue O Connor" <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've a question related to yesterdays discussion (but keeping it short
>> per Waynes request). Is there a worry within the LVTF that font-family and
>> related CSS type or code level changes may not be perceived as a
>> 'mechanism' - and therefore is not sufficient to satisfy some proposed new
>> SCs?
>> Thanks
>> Josh
>> Alastair Campbell <>
>> 20 January 2017 at 00:26
>> Hi Wayne,
>> I'm not so concerned with whether the user can change the font-family, as
>> they can.
>> It is what issues *come from* changing the font-family that are the
>> problem. I assume it is things like overlap, wrapping that breaks
>> interactive controls, and font-icons disappearing?
>> Perhaps it should be something like:
>> "Changing the font-family used to display a web page does not cause loss
>> of content or functionality."
>> Anyway, it's past midnight here, g'night!
>> -Alastair
>> Wayne Dick <>
>> 19 January 2017 at 22:16
>> I am proposing the following change to Font, Issue 79
>> Only look at the disclaimer, but factor in Font-Family as a 'mechanism'
>> disclaimer. Is it too general? Should we have disclaimers at all and insist
>> developers code access? Would you prefer, a mechanism exists, followed by
>> the disclaimer?
>> SC: Font
>> "The user can change the font family down to the element level, to any
>> font family available to the user agent with the following exception.
>> *If no mechanism exists to change font family on any user agent for the
>> target technology, then the author has no responsible to create one. *"
>> Bold added to emphasize the disclaimer language in question.
>> I would appreciate help. Please keep your answers as short as possible.
>> There are no effective mail clients or assistive technologies that support
>> readers with macular damage. So, I have serious difficulty reading threads.
>> Thank You,
>> Wayne
>> --
>> Joshue O Connor
>> Director |

Received on Friday, 20 January 2017 10:50:04 UTC