LVTF Meeting Minutes - 2/16/17

Meeting minutes are below and at link:

Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
16 Feb 2017

See also: IRC log

      Jim, Wayne, Erich, Shawn, steverep, ScottM
      Glenda, Laura
            Open AG questionnaires
      Summary of Action Items
      Summary of Resolutions

<scribe> Scribe: Erich

<ScottM> whoohoo

Open AG questionnaires

Resize Content, Linearize and Graphics Contrast have been accepted to WCAG
2.1 so far



Be sure to contribute your opinions to the 2 surveys currently open

SH: out clause question regards combined SC 124, we had discussed some
alternate text

<shawn> Bottom line: Authors provide content in a format that allows users
to change the font, faimly, color, and spacing - and print it that way.
(now make that in to SCs! :-)

JA: I can add a comment to the pull request to see what happens with it

WD: there will be a break point where you'll need to drop the linearize,
but within certain limits you don't have to change the sructure of the page

<allanj> current results Adapting Text survey

<allanj> close item 1

<allanj> Open item 2


JA: This may need to be overhauled to say write your own tool-tip that you
have control over

SH: So we're saying we want every person to write their own tool tip? (no)

<allanj> Alastair

<allanj> If we continue with that one, I suggest we narrow it to one of the
possible issues:

<allanj> 1. Access to content in title attributes (I suspect this is
generally covered by 2.1)

<allanj> 2. Title attribute obscuring other content.

<allanj> 3. Content becoming unusable with large pop-overs (like the
Perkins example).

<allanj> It occurs to me that removing title attributes is a very easy
script to do, shall we tackle that on the UA site?

<allanj> Does someone want to convert that issue into pop-overs obscuring

JA: Adding Alastair's comments

<Wayne> +1

SM: Would not suggest people create their own tool-tips, cause lots of
problems. Pop-overs seem like a good method

<allanj> current SC text - Informational content that is only shown by
hovering a mouse over an element is not used as the only means of conveying
information and does not obscure other content.

JA: We have definition of informational content, but sounds like we need to


<ScottM> The browser controlled tooltips will usually get out of the way of
the mouse

JA: What is it that we want the author to do, a rule that's testable?

WD: And do-able

<allanj> do we want users to be able to turn off these pop-overs?

WD: I can take this as an action to sort it out, though perhaps not by Tues

JA: This SC is not up on survey yet, so we have time to work on it

<allanj> ACTION: Wayne to refocus #75 to pop-overs [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Refocus #75 to pop-overs [on Wayne Dick -
due 2017-02-23].

<allanj> close item 2

<steverep> No thoughts on how to fix obscuring stuff, but I wish there was
never actionable content within a hover element

<allanj> open item 3



<allanj> Erich manager

<allanj> Erich: when I print document, like the regular print and the none
inverted colors. Use CCTV. I print to give to other people. they don't need
what I need.

<allanj> ... Comment - wcag is electronic not physical.

<allanj> shawn: need content offline, so print for personal needs

<allanj> examples:

<allanj> Author provides content in a format that allows print

<allanj> current SC text: A mechanism is available to allow users to print
page content with the presentation changes made by the user.

<steverep> This would be very useful for creating large print handouts when
necessary as well

<allanj> shawn: access to information. people need to print for use off
line. Authors should provide content in a format that can be printed based
on user needs

<allanj> Content is in a format that allows print customization.

<allanj> Content is provided in a format that allows print customization.

<allanj> there are issues with presentation modifications being printed
directly. Currently, must go to printing layer


<shawn> Content is provided in a format that allows print customization of

<allanj> customize what?

<allanj> steve: text only?

SH: Well, there's ideal and then there's minimum
... The issue is what is the acceptable minimum

<shawn> UAAG 2.0 "the user can have content printed as it is rendered on

SH: (from uaag) users can have content printed as it is rendered on screen

<shawn> is under "1.4.4 Configured and Reflowed Text Printing: The user can
print the rendered content, and the following are all true: (Level AA)"

<allanj> shawn: start with 124, ideally - spacing, font, hyphenation,
margins, etc.

<allanj> perhaps user queries and for printing

<allanj> shawn: printing with changes from 124 and reflow. perhaps

<allanj> close item 3

<ScottM> +q

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Wayne to refocus #75 to pop-overs [recorded in]

Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/02/16 17:20:55 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output
[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148  of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14
Check for newer version at

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/customised/customized/
Succeeded: s/tool tip?/tool tip? (no)/
Succeeded: s/methoed/method/
Succeeded: s/these pop-overs/these pop-overs?/
Found Scribe: Erich
Inferring ScribeNick: erich

WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: steverep, scribe, Jim,
Wayne, Eric, Shawn, Stephen, ScottM)
Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list,
such as: <dbooth> Present+ Jim, Wayne, Erich, Shawn, steverep, ScottM

Present: Jim Wayne Erich Shawn steverep ScottM
Regrets: Glenda Laura
Found Date: 16 Feb 2017
Guessing minutes URL:

People with action items: wayne

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]
                    Erich Manser                                                        
                    IBM Research                                                        
                    MA / tel:                                                           
                    Search for                                                          

You don't need eyesight to have vision.

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2017 17:25:07 UTC