Minutes: Low Vision Task Force 7 Dec 2017

Online: https://www.w3.org/2017/12/07-lvtf-minutes.html

Text below:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

            Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

07 Dec 2017


           Jim, Shawn, SteveRepsher, Laura, JohnRochford, Glenda



           jallan, shawn


      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]EOWG folks & Shadi helping with Understanding Docs
          2. [4]Understanding Docs Survey -
          3. [5]Zoom
          4. [6]Hover
          5. [7]Graphics

      * [8]Summary of Action Items

      * [9]Summary of Resolutions

       [9] https://www.w3.org/2005/02/minutes#ResolutionSummary

    <JohnRochford> Can't get into WebEx

    <jallan> scribe: jallan

EOWG folks & Shadi helping with Understanding Docs

    sh: any questions or comments?
    ... EO will be helping with usability and readability.

    gs: EO to act as editors

    sh: Editorial suggestors... no direct editing only suggestions
    ... AG and understanding editors to have final say
    ... still working on tracking tool use and communication

    close item 1

    close item 2

Understanding Docs Survey -

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/81151/understanding/results


    <shawn> scribe: shawn

    Jim: Will fix typos
    ... like tool. shooting for Grade 8?

    Laura: Great if can do grade 8

    Steve: Won't get to survey until next week

    Jim: Will leave survey open

    <jallan> here is survey:

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/81151/understanding/


    [Jim reviews Laura's comments]

    Steve waiting for CfC to go through before polishing the
    Understanding docs

    Jim: A little difficult to read - maybe too engineering speak.
    [@@ specific example]
    ... happy to help. Or wait.

    Steve: Was planning on editing the Intro. Rewrite Visible
    Trigger. Add other user cases. Usually write first and go back
    to break up sentences. :-)

    Jim: Edit in wiki, or send to you?

    <Glenda> I highly recommend using
    [12]http://www.hemingwayapp.com to write in super clear ways!

      [12] http://www.hemingwayapp.com/

    Steve: Not edit that branch. Do another branch or send in

    Glenda: I use Hemmingwayapp - find really powerful.

    SLH: Some EOWG folks like that app, too.

    Glenda: A game - get fewer colors. ;-) Although not fully
    accessible. :(
    ... rewarding to use.
    ... it gives Readbility Grade, too.


    Jim: notes on 141 Use of Color - some examples would help

    Glenda: Yup. Wonder if instead of writing huge Understandings,
    we write those as Techniques? Otherwise Understanding gets
    unwieldly and we still have to write techniques.
    ... will be better prepared to attack it after Dec publication.

    Jim: Concern that if too spare, then they don't get idea unless
    read all Techs.

    Glenda: Sure. You can help me watch for that.

    Jim: graphic object examples, maybe have one for line chart,

    Glenda: Yup. Great feedback.

    Jim: In gradients, it triggered the transparency

    Glenda: Yup. Will need to be added.

    Jim: Where does icon fonts fit? If they do or not, say it.

    Glenda: ahuooa?
    ... font is text, but we need to clarify that.

    Jim: and point to relevant SC elsewhere
    ... Which readability scale do you use in that tool? Different
    scales give different values...

    Laura: average on top

    Jim: "RATS" read all the screen

    Glenda: What aim for?

    John: Suggest 5 or below

    Glenda: But given our audience... developers, designers, proj
    leads. Would love to go to Grade 5, don't think realistic. Can
    live w/ 8. Can prefer 5, but don't think we can get there.

    Laura: EO can help

    Shawn: Even for EOWG docs, we don't require that low.

    <laura> thanks.

    trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2017 17:56:44 UTC