RE: Minutes: Low Vision Taskforce 1 Sept 2016

I apologize for not being on the weekly calls due to a conflict with the mobile accessibility task force.  I see that we have success criteria for being able to change the text color, for contrast of images and icons and for element level customization.  Are we planning to address the contrast of form fields borders and the contrast of visual indication of focus in any of the success criteria or leave that to be customizable by the user via Element level customization?  It seems like it might be helpful to define a minimum level of the visual indication of focus without requiring the user to have to customize it.  If we are addressing that in one of the criteria could someone point me to that.  Thanks.

Best Regards,


Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer
SSB BART Group<>
703.637.8957 (Office)
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From: Jim Allan []
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 2:53 PM
To: public-low-vision-a11y-tf
Subject: Minutes: Low Vision Taskforce 1 Sept 2016


Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
01 Sep 2016

See also: IRC log<>

Shawn, Laura, JohnRochford, JimAllan, ScottM, Andrew(second_part)
allanj, shawn, JohnR

  *   Topics<>

     *   general<>
     *   Action-70 Write Font SC<>
     *   Action-71 Text Style Wording<>
     *   Action-72 Capitalization SC<>
     *   Action-73 Size of all elements SC<>
     *   Action-74 Element level customization SC<>
     *   Action-75 update gap analysis - DONE<>
     *   Action-76 use case for changing font size<>
     *   Action-77 Printing Customized Text SC<>
     *   Action-78 research on user settings<>
     *   Action-79 write Mobile contrast on Large text research<>

  *   Summary of Action Items<>
  *   Summary of Resolutions<>


<allanj> need a scribe

<allanj> scribe: allanj


<shawn> JohnR: Want to help more, but not sure now...

<shawn> shawn: would be good to make it clear to all what work is needed.

<shawn> ACTION: Jim inform TF of planned schedule and tasks that they can do to fill in the wiki pages for proposed SCs :-) [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-80 - Inform tf of planned schedule and tasks that they can do to fill in the wiki pages for proposed scs :-) [on Jim Allan - due 2016-09-08].

<shawn> scribe: shawn

Action-70 Write Font SC

<laura> Open actions:

on Wayne

<ScottM> I currently can't get into my w3c account

Action-71 Text Style Wording

wayne. nothing yet


Action-72 Capitalization SC

draft "For the visual presentation of blocks of text, a mechanism is available such that capitalization is user adjustable."

Shawn: ... available for users to change capitalization.

<scribe> ACTION: Jim to make it easier to tell what is template text vs. content. :-) [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-81 - Make it easier to tell what is template text vs. content. :-) [on Jim Allan - due 2016-09-08].

Action-73 Size of all elements SC

<JohnRochford> Jim: Will move the @@ statement in the Size of All Elements to Element Level Customization.

Need to define elements?

Shawn: change elements to content?

Laura: content defined in WCAG?

Jim: Yes

<JohnRochford> Laura & Jim: Because elements are defined in WCAG, we should not need to define it.

Laura: then we wouldn't have to define anyting

<scribe> scribe:JohnR

<JohnRochford> Shawn: elements will be changed to content

<JohnRochford> This discussion is about

+1 to Laura's thoroughness with providing background info!

<JohnRochford> + 1 million and 1

<scribe> ACTION: Shawn update User Needs/Requirements with change size of all elements->content [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-82 - Update user needs/requirements with change size of all elements->content [on Shawn Henry - due 2016-09-08].

<JohnRochford> Laura: Just updated "Size Of All Elements" doc to use "content" rather than "elements".


<JohnRochford> Laura: The simpler the better (for SC text).

<laura> 1.4.8:

<JohnRochford> Jim: Any objections to marking this as finalized?

<allanj> ACTION: jim to update gap analysis - size of all elements final [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-83 - Update gap analysis - size of all elements final [on Jim Allan - due 2016-09-08].

Action-74 Element level customization SC


wayne not gotten to

Action-75 update gap analysis - DONE
Action-76 use case for changing font size

<JohnRochford> ScottM: May have modified the wrong SC by mistake.



<JohnRochford> text = Except for images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 400 percent without loss of content, functionality, @@and readability.@@

<JohnRochford> Jim: 400% should instead be "up to the browser maximum"

<JohnRochford> ScottM: Browsers today prefer to increase the size of the entire page/UI rather than just the text/font size.

<JohnRochford> Jim: We are going to leave this issue for now.

Action-77 Printing Customized Text SC

latest draft wording: "A mechanism is available to allow users to print page content that matches page presentation changes made by the user."

Shawn: for example, user style sheet changes in browser reflected in printed content

<scribe> scribe: Shawn

Action-78 research on user settings


Action-79 write Mobile contrast on Large text research

Jim: not done yet
... Andrew, know what mobile said about text size? Know where the reseach is that support OK for diff contrast for larger text.
... from original WCAG

awk: Not know, I'll poke around.


<AWK_> Note: Calculations in [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] are for body text. A relaxed contrast ratio is provided for text that is much larger.

<allanj> trackbot, end meeting

<laura> bye.

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Jim inform TF of planned schedule and tasks that they can do to fill in the wiki pages for proposed SCs :-) [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Jim to make it easier to tell what is template text vs. content. :-) [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: jim to update gap analysis - size of all elements final [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Shawn update User Needs/Requirements with change size of all elements->content [recorded in]

Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264

"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Friday, 2 September 2016 17:26:38 UTC