Minutes: Low Vision Task Force, 26 May 2016

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Kindest Regards,

Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
26 May 2016

See also: IRC log

    Shawn, Jim, JohnRochford, Laura, Wayne, Scott, AWK


        Coordination with other TF and WCAG
        Page Regions #64 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64
        issue-64 page regions
        Photos #63 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/63
        Photos Issue-63
        Page Regions #64 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64
    Summary of Action Items
    Summary of Resolutions

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/63

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/62

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/59

<scribe> Scribe: Laura

<ScottM> hola!

Who is going to TPAC?

<ScottM> Not I

<shawn-off> [ Shawn probably not going]

Wayne: not sure

<allanj> mot me

Not laura

John is going.

<allanj> close item 5
Coordination with other TF and WCAG

<shawn-off> John can carry the torch for us - tell everyone about what
we're doing, etc.

Jim: Just got off a TF coordination meeting.
... if we have qustions for WCAG. They are working on WCAG requirements.
... possibility of joint SC with other TFs.
... Joint meeting will be on a monthly basis

<ScottM> Jon A is on the Mobile Task Force, he could coordinate for us right?

Jim: Yes Jon A is on Mobile

Sott: will be over lap with other TFs

Jim: we have some issues to go through
... we did the gap analysis is 3 weeks. Congrats all.

Is a heart beat publication due?

Shawn: no. Should decide what to do with the gap doc.

Jim: Pretty it up?

Shawn: yes we can. But not a TR page.

wayne: we should have is as our guidance for SCs
... maybe some prose before and after the table.
... Should but in on our home page.

Shawn: wait a bit until it is more stable before moving it.
Page Regions #64 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64
issue-64 page regions

<allanj> delta of change in colors brightness.

Scott: long tradition of different color changes of regions. How do we
handle it?

<allanj> different regions of page having different colors/brightness,
when using high contrast...suddenly the brightness changes

Shawn: public comment encourages it.
... from user needs prospective how do we address it?

<allanj> shawn: public comment talks about need for functional
sections of page to have different colors

AWK: not sure we can.
... Users need to be abe to change things.
... what is being asked for falls in the usability bucket.

wayne: might want to table this.
... we have to state the user needs.
... an image would be hard to adjust.

<allanj> wd: element level control of brightness is a need

wayne: localized element control is not outside the realm.


scribe: contrast is functionally determined by color.

JR: We should have a disclaimer regarding personalization.
... how should we approach it?

Scott: Let's try to be as simple and agnostic as we can.
... colors needed to be disguisable for adjoining regions.

<JohnRochford> Ellaboration: If we agree that personalization will
always address user needs, use cases, and recommendations, then how do
we suggest it be implemented (GPII? built-into web sites?)?

wayne: users are not going to write their own style sheets.

<Zakim> shawn-off, you wanted to say what do we want/need for the
*User Need* for this issue

wayne: pros and AT style sheets is what we should aim at.

jim: do we craft a new user need or is it covered or do we adjust
something we have?

<allanj> laura: we had something on adjacent colors on charts

wayne: would like to table it for a week.

<shawn-off> ACTION: Shawn and Wayne work on
https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64 [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-57 - And wayne work on
https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64 [on Shawn Henry -
due 2016-06-02].

<allanj> related to:
Photos #63 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/63
Photos Issue-63

Jim: comment on photos.”Is there a reason, why you don’t mention
recommendations for the design of Photos? For diagrams and similar
graphics you can apply many of the themes relevant for text (font,
contrast, …)"

<allanj> laura: could have different resolution images

<allanj> wd: hard to control images.

<allanj> sm: hires images are hard on mobile

<allanj> perhaps there is a need for multiple resolutions for photos

AWK: we run into problems with rasterized images. Agree in principle.
But is a problem.

<allanj> awk: agree in principle that content should be clear.

<allanj> @@ jim track down the adjacent color in charts diagrams

<allanj> shawn: get important information from image includes photos
(need to day)

<allanj> sh: is framing images is out of scope

Shawn: could include the user need with the images section.

<shawn-off> related to

<allanj> laura: requirements about framing, composition of photos is
art direction

<allanj> sh: user need is that users can get information from images and photos.

RESOLUTION: User need: users can get information from images, including photos

RESOLUTION: : User need: users can get information from images, including photos

<Wayne> /me Shawn, please email me with the address you want to use.
The w3.org was bounced back.

<JohnRochford> +1 with ellaboration


<shawn-off> +1 to add to the existing user need

<AWK> s/ \/me Shawn, please email me with the address you want to use.
The w3.org was bounced back./

<allanj> could add info about adjacent colors in charts, etc.
Page Regions #64 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/64

<allanj> close item 1

<allanj> open item 3

Shawn: let’s reread https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/62

1) Need more precise definition of low vision.

2) Suggestion to change last phrase.

<shawn-off> section in question:

<JohnRochford> From the NIH: Low Vision is defined as the
best-corrected visual acuity less than 6/12 (‹20/40) in the
better-seeing eye (excluding those who were categorized as being blind
by the U.S. definition.)

<JohnRochford> See https://nei.nih.gov/eyedata/lowvision

Jim: something is lost in translation.

<allanj> want to see all displayed information not just user interfaces

<allanj> see information on device displays

shawn: need to consider scope.

<shawn-off> ... and impairments that are often categorized as legally
blind yet people have sufficient vision to see information in some

JR: Seems to be US centric.

Shawn: we just need to tweak the end of one sentence.

Jim: may be best to take off line.

wayne: could take an action

<Zakim> shawn-off, you wanted to say not sure we want to "define" in
this document. We can add references

Shawn: we are not attempting to define anything in this doc.

<allanj> perhaps instead of definition we use 'conceptual frame'

Jim: maybe we need a disclaimer.
... terms are localized.
... seems like it should be part of the intro.

<allanj> ACTION: jim to write disclaimer (last para of intro) that we
are general [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-58 - Write disclaimer (last para of intro)
that we are general [on Jim Allan - due 2016-06-02].

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2016 16:28:59 UTC