Re: Question on Terminology

Good question to ask!

I do not know (either personally or documented) of any particular objection to "impairment" among people with low vision. Many people I know with mild/moderate low vision prefer "impairment" to "disability", and "impairment" generally works better than "disability" for describing age-related issues.

A related question is terminology around "color vision deficiency". That is the terminology I see used most in formal descriptions, along with "color blind"/"color blindness". Given the later is common lay-person terminology, I think we should use it where appropriate.

On the other hand, in most cases, color blindness is not considered a disability (nor low vision) and I think we should avoid calling it a disability in our documentation.

My 2 cents. :-)


On 1/11/2016 1:41 PM, Laura Carlson wrote:
> Hi all,
> This may be a stupid question but I was rereading the overview [1] and
> noticed the word "Impairment" is used several times. Is the word okay
> to use for people with visual disabilities or like the term "hearing
> impaired", some object as it describes the condition in terms of a
> deficiency?
> Thank you.
> Kindest Regards,
> Laura
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Monday, 11 January 2016 23:04:19 UTC