Color contrast and focus indicator

Oh wise and wonderful LVTF,

I was playing with colors over the holidays...and think I've identified the
77 web safe colors that contrast with both white and black by at least a
color contrast ratio of 3 to 1.

Why did I do this?  Well, I was curious..and by doing this for just web
safe was doable (I wasn't dealing with billions of colors).
And, I figured, it would be handy to know what colors (even in a very
limited palette of 216 colors) would meet the 3 to 1 contrast requirement
against both black and white.

I've posted a table of these 77 colors here:  and yes, it
does have hard coded styles in the table cells where I'm showing a sample
of each color...because this is a color experiment.

Jim Allan, can we add this as a discussion point for our next LVTF meeting
(if we have room on the agenda).

Thanks y'all,
Happy almost New Year!

glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |    |    512.963.3773

*web for everyone. web on everything.* -  w3 goals

Received on Saturday, 31 December 2016 00:58:36 UTC