IRC log from LVTF September 23, 2015

The RRSAgent didn’t seem to create the minutes in an HTML page (I think that the Agent may have not been invited to the meeting for some reason I don’t quite understand) so the minutes are in IRC log form…

10:27] == AWK [~AWK@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf
[10:29] <AWK> zakim, agenda?
[10:29] <Zakim> I see 2 items remaining on the agenda:
[10:29] <Zakim> 3. user needs - (30 minutes) [from allanj]
[10:29] <Zakim> 4. model/structure of information (15 Minutes) [from allanj]
[10:29] <AWK> zakim, clear agenda
[10:29] <Zakim> agenda cleared
[10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ scribe
[10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 1 added
[10:30] <Srini> present+ Srini
[10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ review of updates to user needs and categorization
[10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 2 added
[10:30] <AWK>  Agenda+ structure for user needs note
[10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 3 added
[10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ Announcements
[10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 4 added
[10:30] <AWK> Zakim, agenda?
[10:30] <Zakim> I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
[10:30] <Zakim> 1. scribe [from AWK]
[10:30] <Zakim> 2. review of updates to user needs and categorization [from AWK]
[10:30] <Zakim> 3. structure for user needs note [from AWK]
[10:31] <Zakim> 4. Announcements [from AWK]
[10:32] <AWK>

[10:36] == ChuckOp [~ChuckOp@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf
[10:39] <AWK> present+ AWK
[10:39] <AWK> Chair: AWK
[10:40] <ChuckOp> +chuckop
[10:41] <laura> + Laura
[10:41] <Wayne> present+ Wayne
[10:41] <Srini> +Srini
[10:41] <AWK> Scribe: Regrets+ Jim
[10:42] <AWK> Scribe: Wayne
[10:43] <laura>

[10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 1
[10:45] <Zakim> agendum 1. "scribe" taken up [from AWK]
[10:45] <AWK> Wayne offered to scribe
[10:45] <AWK> Zakim, close item 1
[10:45] <Zakim> agendum 1, scribe, closed
[10:45] <Zakim> I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
[10:45] <Zakim> 2. review of updates to user needs and categorization [from AWK]
[10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 2
[10:45] <Zakim> agendum 2. "review of updates to user needs and categorization" taken up [from AWK]
[10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 4
[10:45] <Zakim> agendum 4. "Announcements" taken up [from AWK]
[10:46] <Wayne> AWK: We should be careful sources we want to attribute source. If you heard without a source note that you need a source.
[10:47] <Wayne> ... The charter for WCAG WG appears to be approved. It is not public yet. We can create an extension.
[10:49] <Wayne> Srini: I have created the sites.
[10:49] <AWK> LVTF Wiki:

[10:50] <Wayne> ... for Accessible Features for Users With low Vision, Assistive technologies for low vision
[10:51] <AWK> Regrets+ Bruce, John R
[10:51] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 2
[10:51] <Zakim> agendum 2. "review of updates to user needs and categorization" taken up [from AWK]
[10:51] <Wayne> Chuck: I would apreciat pointers to tools
[10:51] <AWK>

[10:53] <Wayne> AWK: User stories and use cases. This will be built into a note.
[10:53] <ChuckOp> s/pointers to tools/pointers to tools and resources being referenced/
[10:54] == Ryladog_ [~Ryladog@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf
[10:54] <Ryladog_> +Katie Haritos-Shea
[10:56] <Wayne> AWK: Today we will look at the use case stories and see if we agree, determine what we need , determine what we want to move forard
[10:56] <AWK>

[10:57] <Srini> Wouldn't field loss and size limitations go in similar bucket?
[10:57] <AWK> That page contains the list of categories I used
[10:57] <Wayne> AWK: Fatigue looks like a factor for all of the above.
[10:58] <Wayne> * Fatigue is a side effect
[10:58] <laura> +1
[10:59] <AWK> Wayne: There are different factors around fatigue
[10:59] <AWK> ... sometimes it is from sitting in one position
[10:59] <AWK> ... ppl with outer field loss need to move their head a lot and are fatigued by that
[11:00] <AWK> ... common effect is that people often don't finish books or long resources
[11:00] == Alan_Smith [~Alan_Smith@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf
[11:01] * AWK

[11:01] <Wayne> AWK: Go through the list and see what is need. Do some areas have too much, too little, ...
[11:01] <Alan_Smith> + Alan_Smith
[11:02] <Wayne> Case 1: Field Loss Peripheral
[11:03] <Wayne> Srini: Field loss and size limitations may be grouped.
[11:04] <Wayne> Srini: People with field limitation can find it difficult if the font is too big.
[11:05] <Srini> Yes, that's exactly what I meant.
[11:06] <AWK> Wayne: if you need larger text you are also losing field area
[11:08] <Srini> How about we call as Field loss and Size limitations? as a single category?
[11:08] <AWK> Wayne: We need to talk about how field loss runs through other categories
[11:08] <Wayne> AWK: Should we have size limitation under field loss?
[11:10] <Wayne> AWK: Field is the users behavior enguaaged in reading, Fatigue impact on the end user that effects their ability. Field loss what happens now, Fatigue happens over time.
[11:12] <Wayne> AWK: Fatigue happens to everyone. How do we quantify too much fatigue. Field loss happens when we talk about mobile devices. This is compounded with low vision
[11:12] <laura> s/enguaaged/engaged/
[11:13] <Wayne> AWK: Large size exceeds the box.
[11:14] <Wayne> AWK: Proximity of error alerts to enlarged focus.
[11:15] <Wayne> AWK: At what point where the lose enough vision to become a keyboard.
[11:15] <Wayne> Chuck: That doesn't seem right. I doesn't seem correct.
[11:21] <Wayne> AWK: Is there a point where it becomes more practical to use keyboard over mouse.
[11:22] <AWK> Wayne: There is a lot to learn about the line between user agent and AT coming up
[11:23] <Wayne> Allen: I still have interview them in this category. Document their work around.
[11:23] <Wayne> AWK: That will be helpful.
[11:24] <Wayne> ... We will see a variety of strategies and be able to assess efficiency and determine what works
[11:27] <Wayne> AWK: Attempts to return using the browser back button. Is this a valid use case. Could a manufacturer claim that keyboard access is enough, or should the mouse available
[11:28] <Wayne> laura: All her cases come from user case studies.
[11:28] <Wayne> ... These cases came from a teaching tool.
[11:29] <Wayne> laura: The browser was turned off.
[11:30] <Wayne> AWK: User needs to know how to get back.
[11:31] <Wayne> AWK: There is difference between the button beeing out of view from magnified screen vs. not there at all.
[11:36] <Wayne> AWK: Do we need break these up into groups of three the we pass around
[11:36] <Wayne> AWK: we need to add more content.
[11:36] <Srini> agreed.
[11:39] <laura> bye
[11:39] == laura [~laura@public.cloak] has left #lvtf []
[11:40] <Wayne> trackbot, end meeting
[11:40] * trackbot is ending a teleconference.
[11:40] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
[11:40] <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been AWK, Wayne, Bruce, Srini, Cherie, Laura, Chuck, Jeanne, Michael, Alan, Charles_Oppermann, Srinivasu, Carlson, bruce_bailey, Alan_Smith,
[11:40] <Alan_Smith> Thank you.
[11:40] <Zakim> ... jon_avila, chuckop
[11:40] <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
[11:40] <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
[11:40] == Alan_Smith [~Alan_Smith@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed”]

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 15:45:51 UTC