- From: Andrew Kirkpatrick <akirkpat@adobe.com>
- Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 15:45:18 +0000
- To: "public-low-vision-a11y-tf@w3.org" <public-low-vision-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <42AD50BE-23B6-4293-99A1-E01D14A19089@adobe.com>
The RRSAgent didn’t seem to create the minutes in an HTML page (I think that the Agent may have not been invited to the meeting for some reason I don’t quite understand) so the minutes are in IRC log form… 10:27] == AWK [~AWK@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf [10:29] <AWK> zakim, agenda? [10:29] <Zakim> I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: [10:29] <Zakim> 3. user needs - (30 minutes) [from allanj] [10:29] <Zakim> 4. model/structure of information (15 Minutes) [from allanj] [10:29] <AWK> zakim, clear agenda [10:29] <Zakim> agenda cleared [10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ scribe [10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 1 added [10:30] <Srini> present+ Srini [10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ review of updates to user needs and categorization [10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 2 added [10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ structure for user needs note [10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 3 added [10:30] <AWK> Agenda+ Announcements [10:30] * Zakim notes agendum 4 added [10:30] <AWK> Zakim, agenda? [10:30] <Zakim> I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: [10:30] <Zakim> 1. scribe [from AWK] [10:30] <Zakim> 2. review of updates to user needs and categorization [from AWK] [10:30] <Zakim> 3. structure for user needs note [from AWK] [10:31] <Zakim> 4. Announcements [from AWK] [10:32] <AWK> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nosquint/ [10:36] == ChuckOp [~ChuckOp@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf [10:39] <AWK> present+ AWK [10:39] <AWK> Chair: AWK [10:40] <ChuckOp> +chuckop [10:41] <laura> + Laura [10:41] <Wayne> present+ Wayne [10:41] <Srini> +Srini [10:41] <AWK> Scribe: Regrets+ Jim [10:42] <AWK> Scribe: Wayne [10:43] <laura> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribing_Commands_and_Related_Info [10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 1 [10:45] <Zakim> agendum 1. "scribe" taken up [from AWK] [10:45] <AWK> Wayne offered to scribe [10:45] <AWK> Zakim, close item 1 [10:45] <Zakim> agendum 1, scribe, closed [10:45] <Zakim> I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is [10:45] <Zakim> 2. review of updates to user needs and categorization [from AWK] [10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 2 [10:45] <Zakim> agendum 2. "review of updates to user needs and categorization" taken up [from AWK] [10:45] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 4 [10:45] <Zakim> agendum 4. "Announcements" taken up [from AWK] [10:46] <Wayne> AWK: We should be careful sources we want to attribute source. If you heard without a source note that you need a source. [10:47] <Wayne> ... The charter for WCAG WG appears to be approved. It is not public yet. We can create an extension. [10:49] <Wayne> Srini: I have created the sites. [10:49] <AWK> LVTF Wiki: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page [10:50] <Wayne> ... for Accessible Features for Users With low Vision, Assistive technologies for low vision [10:51] <AWK> Regrets+ Bruce, John R [10:51] <AWK> Zakim, take up item 2 [10:51] <Zakim> agendum 2. "review of updates to user needs and categorization" taken up [from AWK] [10:51] <Wayne> Chuck: I would apreciat pointers to tools [10:51] <AWK> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/User_stories_-_use_cases [10:53] <Wayne> AWK: User stories and use cases. This will be built into a note. [10:53] <ChuckOp> s/pointers to tools/pointers to tools and resources being referenced/ [10:54] == Ryladog_ [~Ryladog@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf [10:54] <Ryladog_> +Katie Haritos-Shea [10:56] <Wayne> AWK: Today we will look at the use case stories and see if we agree, determine what we need , determine what we want to move forard [10:56] <AWK> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Overview_of_Low_Vision [10:57] <Srini> Wouldn't field loss and size limitations go in similar bucket? [10:57] <AWK> That page contains the list of categories I used [10:57] <Wayne> AWK: Fatigue looks like a factor for all of the above. [10:58] <Wayne> * Fatigue is a side effect [10:58] <laura> +1 [10:59] <AWK> Wayne: There are different factors around fatigue [10:59] <AWK> ... sometimes it is from sitting in one position [10:59] <AWK> ... ppl with outer field loss need to move their head a lot and are fatigued by that [11:00] <AWK> ... common effect is that people often don't finish books or long resources [11:00] == Alan_Smith [~Alan_Smith@public.cloak] has joined #lvtf [11:01] * AWK https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/User_stories_-_use_cases [11:01] <Wayne> AWK: Go through the list and see what is need. Do some areas have too much, too little, ... [11:01] <Alan_Smith> + Alan_Smith [11:02] <Wayne> Case 1: Field Loss Peripheral [11:03] <Wayne> Srini: Field loss and size limitations may be grouped. [11:04] <Wayne> Srini: People with field limitation can find it difficult if the font is too big. [11:05] <Srini> Yes, that's exactly what I meant. [11:06] <AWK> Wayne: if you need larger text you are also losing field area [11:08] <Srini> How about we call as Field loss and Size limitations? as a single category? [11:08] <AWK> Wayne: We need to talk about how field loss runs through other categories [11:08] <Wayne> AWK: Should we have size limitation under field loss? [11:10] <Wayne> AWK: Field is the users behavior enguaaged in reading, Fatigue impact on the end user that effects their ability. Field loss what happens now, Fatigue happens over time. [11:12] <Wayne> AWK: Fatigue happens to everyone. How do we quantify too much fatigue. Field loss happens when we talk about mobile devices. This is compounded with low vision [11:12] <laura> s/enguaaged/engaged/ [11:13] <Wayne> AWK: Large size exceeds the box. [11:14] <Wayne> AWK: Proximity of error alerts to enlarged focus. [11:15] <Wayne> AWK: At what point where the lose enough vision to become a keyboard. [11:15] <Wayne> Chuck: That doesn't seem right. I doesn't seem correct. [11:21] <Wayne> AWK: Is there a point where it becomes more practical to use keyboard over mouse. [11:22] <AWK> Wayne: There is a lot to learn about the line between user agent and AT coming up [11:23] <Wayne> Allen: I still have interview them in this category. Document their work around. [11:23] <Wayne> AWK: That will be helpful. [11:24] <Wayne> ... We will see a variety of strategies and be able to assess efficiency and determine what works [11:27] <Wayne> AWK: Attempts to return using the browser back button. Is this a valid use case. Could a manufacturer claim that keyboard access is enough, or should the mouse available [11:28] <Wayne> laura: All her cases come from user case studies. [11:28] <Wayne> ... These cases came from a teaching tool. [11:29] <Wayne> laura: The browser was turned off. [11:30] <Wayne> AWK: User needs to know how to get back. [11:31] <Wayne> AWK: There is difference between the button beeing out of view from magnified screen vs. not there at all. ________________________________ [11:36] <Wayne> AWK: Do we need break these up into groups of three the we pass around [11:36] <Wayne> AWK: we need to add more content. [11:36] <Srini> agreed. [11:39] <laura> bye [11:39] == laura [~laura@public.cloak] has left #lvtf [] [11:40] <Wayne> trackbot, end meeting [11:40] * trackbot is ending a teleconference. [11:40] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees [11:40] <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been AWK, Wayne, Bruce, Srini, Cherie, Laura, Chuck, Jeanne, Michael, Alan, Charles_Oppermann, Srinivasu, Carlson, bruce_bailey, Alan_Smith, [11:40] <Alan_Smith> Thank you. [11:40] <Zakim> ... jon_avila, chuckop [11:40] <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes [11:40] <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye [11:40] == Alan_Smith [~Alan_Smith@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed”]
Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 15:45:51 UTC