Re: Meeting Minutes September 9 2015


so we can search for text in the email archives the full minutes are below
Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 09 Sep 2015

See also: IRC log <>
PresentAWK, jim_allan, Katie, Haritos-Shea, jeanne, Alan, Laura, JonAvila,
WayneDick, MCooper, jon_avila, erichManser, JohnRRegretsBruce_Bailey,
Srini, bruceChairjim_allanScribeallanj, jeanne, AWK

   - Topics <>
      1. Introductions
      2. Work Topics - issues collection on the wiki
      3. Review Work Statement
      4. Document requirements for low vision users;
      5. Identify gaps in the above requirements between user needs and how
      they are met by web sites that conform to WCAG 2.0;
      6. Document sufficient and advisory techniques and failures for WCAG
      2.0 to meet low vision user needs;
      7. Define low vision use cases which user agents need to support;
      8. Introductions
   - Summary of Action Items


<AllanJ_> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Date: 09 September 2015

<trackbot> Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 09 September 2015

<AllanJ_> \Agenda+ Review Work Statement

<AllanJ_> scribe: allanj

<jeanne> scribe: jeanne

<AWK> for introductions provide: - name - what are expectations of group -
what can you do


<AllanJ_> Jim is also Chair of the User Agent working group

<AllanJ_> *ACTION:* jim to present 10 minutes on lowvision with wayne
[recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-1 - Present 10 minutes on lowvision with wayne
[on Jim Allan - due 2015-09-16].
Work Topics - issues collection on the wiki Review Work Statement

Document requirements for low vision users;

<jon_avila> * either is fine with me

<AllanJ_> example requirements:

Wayne: It seems like all the research I'm reading stops when the web
starts. We don't seem to have the good @@ research. Some of us will be
doing the first cut on this.
... I struggle a lot with Git, but I'm starting to get it.

Andrew: It is worth everyone having some baseline knowledge of it.
Identify gaps in the above requirements between user needs and how they are
met by web sites that conform to WCAG 2.0;

Jim: It's not all sitting on the author. There is a lot that the browsers
can do, so we don't have authors writing a million different ways to do

<AllanJ_> the author proposed, the browser disposed

<AllanJ_> ws/disposed/disposes

Andrew: It's how end-users can get their needs met. Some falls on browsers,
some on authors, and there is a squishy area between. I don't think there
is a clear boundary between the two.

<AllanJ_> -- Al Gillman

ALan: Do we want to consider things with mobile apps and low vision
... the smaller screens, and apps may not be able to turn off CSS

Jim: The chairs will get together and see if the whole group wants to do it
or if people want to get together and work on specific parts.

Andrew: SOme will have to coordinate with the Mobile Accessibility Task

<AllanJ_> scribe: allanj

Jim: Jon, Alan and Jeanne are on the Mobile Accessiiblity Task Force, and
Katie is also on the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force
Document sufficient and advisory techniques and failures for WCAG 2.0 to
meet low vision user needs;

<AllanJ_> awk: requirement - what we want to achieve, gap analysis...

<AllanJ_> ... techniques and failures for current version of WCAG is very

<AllanJ_> ... lead to extension with perhaps new Success Criteria

<AllanJ_> awk: techniques to help current authors.

<AllanJ_> John joins, Cooper and Jeanne leave
Define low vision use cases which user agents need to support;

<AllanJ_> Develop extension to WCAG 2.0 to address low-vision user needs
effectively or whatever new guidelines are developed

<AllanJ_> close item 1

<AllanJ_> close item 3

<AllanJ_> open item 2


<AllanJ_> *ACTION:* Jeanne to create LVTF github page [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2 - Create lvtf github page [on Jeanne F Spellman
- due 2015-09-16].

<AllanJ_> khs: responsive design upto 1000%

<AllanJ_> awk: wayne posted on webaim upto 900%

<AllanJ_> wd: worked with Gordon Legge - research --- ~1000%

<AllanJ_> ... depends on viewport,

<laura> Wayne’s post:

<AllanJ_> ... and 0

<AWK> Scribe: AWK

WD: the big question is "percentage of what?"

JA: variable screen size is an issue.

WD: idea called "screen capacity" with a grid and will post to wiki as it
is complicated

JR: I have pet peeve which is that he hates a certain vendor where
magnification is dependent on use of the screen reader

JA: so you want magnification decoupled from speech?

JR: Yes

Jon: What specific issues?

JR: this OS has problems for ppl with LV in that error messages are not
enlargeable, menus are not enlargeable including the accessibility menu
... other mobile platforms don't have these issues

Jon: So text resize doesn't go large enough and doesn't apply to all
aspects of the UI

JR: Yes
... Text gets fuzzy at high enlargement

JA: We should document differences between OS's

Jon: commenting on JR's comment about 3rd party apps that don't follow
dynamic text size adjustment in the OS
... agree that there is a problem
... Limited screen real estate - sometimes truncating text may be an option
... don't want horizontal scrolling
... vertical scrolling can be ok
... uses 600x800 resolution on Windows and there are many applications that
don't fit and that is a problem

JA: similar experience, sometimes important buttons in dialogs are off

Jon: Doesn't like to use screen magnification software personally
... can find those tools dizzying
... enlarged text is better

<JohnRochford> +1

WD: people find things that work
... then you live in fear that the functionality will go away and you will
spend a lot of time finding a new solution

<AllanJ_> +1 software vanishing - a huge concern about using extensions
with browsers

WD: LV-benefiting features are often not documented, and then more easily

<AllanJ_> extensions go away or browser changes and extension no longer

WD: screen readers can take over the visual display of the information on
screen making reading harder

Jon: use a variety of tools, depending on whether tired, having a good or
less good vision day

JA: Please feel free to write thoughts/ideas on wiki:

<laura> Thanks. bye.

trackbot, end meeting
Summary of Action Items *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jeanne to create LVTF github page
[recorded in]
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* jim to present 10 minutes on lowvision with wayne
[recorded in]

[End of minutes]

> Thanks,
> Andrew Kirkpatrick
> Group Product Manager, Accessibility
> Adobe Systems

[image:] <>Jim Allan,
Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 15:54:29 UTC